Choreography does not beat Reality.

This tweet has been all over the webs being rightfully ridiculed.

The first thing that came to my mind was this old Marine Pugil Stick match.


Like people watching Disney movies have developed wrong impression about animals, there is a whole ‘nother herd of innocent beings who have seen one too many martail arts/fantasy flicks and like in this case, believe extended baton twirling is actually a power equalizer.

Till they find out the hard way it is not. This, at best has the effectiveness of a rape whistle.

If you are a female and need to make noise to repel an attacker, use the appropriate instrument.

Photo by Oleg Volk
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NRAAM… will they dare?

I was thinking last night if the Pro Hamas crowd would actually be dumb enough to crash the NRA Annual Meeting in Dallas. It should be fun to watch if they did.

And I am waiting for the annual tweet from Sharon Watts misinforming lying about the NRA not allowing the carrying of guns.

You guys let me know.

PS: Hopefully next year they will hold the meeting closer to Nashville. I would not mind attending.


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AR-9 saga continues.

After checking with other people who know more about guns than me and confirming there is no decent way to mate the Spike’s Tactical Lower with the Kaw Valley Precision upper, I have decided to get rid of the lower, get a Glock magazine adapter for regular AR lowers which I know mate well with the KVP. The other option would be an even swap for a PSA dedicated lower locally as I need to make 100% sure they do mate properly even though I keep getting assured over a stack of bibles they do indeed match.

And if I get any more annoyed, I will be willing to trade the whole shit for the shortest complete and reliable 5.56 upper.

A Ruger Charger in 9mm will also be very acceptable. And I have the nagging suspicion I should have gone this way from the beginning but wanted something super light for the missus.

One thing is for sure: This is my last AR-9 build. At least till they get their shit together and standardize the whole platform


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Friday Feedback

The weekend is nearly here! I’m actually looking forward to it.

We’ve had a win out in the Ninth Circuit. Stand-bye to have the merits panel’s opinion stayed and the en banc panel decided for the state.

We are expecting to hear from the Supreme Court on Rahimi in June.

The Supreme Court had conference yesterday, the 16th. In that conference, they discussed a number of 2A cases. I’m keeping an eye on that. What we want to see is cases bound over for another conference.

If they are going to deny the case, they will just do it. If they are not going to hear the case but will hold it pending some other case, it will not be scheduled for another conference.

On the other hand, if they schedule for another conference, that means that multiple law clerks and justices will be taking a hard look at the case to see if there is a good reason to NOT hear it.

We should know that later today or Monday.

I’m pretty sure you are all tired of hearing me talk about shop work. Shop work is part of my health plan. I spend about 12 hours per day sitting. Either in front of my computer or with family or driving. This is not good. I’m currently spending 3 to 6 hours per day in the shop.

This time in the shop is time on my feet. I’m starting the process of recovering the shop from my leftover mess. It is getting better.

Those hours on my feet moving is causing pain in the evenings, but it is the pain I’ve earned.

I’ve noticed several new people commenting. WECLOME! Please tell us a little bit about what you are looking for with GFZ.

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