Month: June 2012


Found it in Reddit Guns. .25 cal can hurt some.

And the narrative:

My step father’s forearm. We were shooting at our private range on Thanksgiving day, and his parents were over.

We had been shooting for a little while with a multitude of different pistols. However, the .25 caliber pistol that my step-father’s step-father had brought wouldn’t fire with any reliability. Following a trigger pull that did not result in a fired round, he stepped back about ten feet and I thought he was clearing/putting the gun away.My step father had stepped up to where we were shooting from ad was showing his mom the operations of his Smith & Wesson.

Now at this point I was standing about ten feet to his right, looking around in the grass for a round I had dropped. It was while I was bending over I heard a crack, followed closely by, “Ouch!” (my step-dad is funny in that, while his language could be terrible when we were working on cars, etc. he still, in times of durress, would not cuss in front of his mother).

As I turned I saw my step father bent over as he turned to look around. Obviously, given the X-ray, he had caught a round in his left forearm. It was, in fact, from the .25 that hadn’t been functioning earlier. So, we applied pressure and transported him immediately to the hospital.

To this day, I do not know whether it had been a negligent discharge (likely) or whether it was a slow burning primer (possible, not as likely). My brother and I were a mix of worry/anger/embarrassment at the time and I am still rather embarrassed when discussing the story with others.

The important lesson is that, had the four rules (particularly those regarding muzzle discipline) had been followed, no one would have gotten hurt.

Edit: .25 is even powerful enough to shatter bone, and it has less energy than .22lr. Caliber wars are particularly worthless.

Thanks to the OP for sharing this case. Even though accidental shootings are less and less every year, they do happen and sharing them reinforce the message of following the Four Rules and Safety Above Everything.

Only criminals will have guns…. – 87 armas de fuego y 64 mil municiones han encontrado en La Planta.
Quick translation from the original article:

At The Plant (Prison, the government) has found so far 87 guns, 64,000 rounds of  ammunition, 18 grenades, 4 tear gas (grenades), stun bombs and 2 mortars.

Among the guns recovered were 9 FAL rifles, 1 AK-47, 1 sub-machine gun and one K-15


The Plant Prison in Caracas was shut down just last month after days of heavy rioting. Convicts were laying down so much fire that Venezuelan Armed Forces were sent to put down the rebellion. The inmates were moved to other prisons and a full scale search for more guns, ammo and explosives are underway.

This is a video captured with a cell phone of the inmates having some sort of shindig with the guns at their disposal before the intervention.

And yes, that is full auto fire which is quite illegal in Venezuela. Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams are still inside the prison detonating materiel deemed to unsafe to handle.

Remember, this is the country whose Gun Laws are following the recommendations of IANSA and would make Sarah Brady’s chest swell with emotion. And they also have one of the highest murder rate in the world and more murders than the USA with one tenth of the population.

Yep, clearly Gun Control works.

Warning Shot = Wasted Shot.

Reading about this Homeowner who ends up jailed for firing warning shot I keep thinking what an idiocy warning shots are. Before anything else, that you might be arrested for a warning shot is stupid even if you are only gonna be charged with a misdemeanor and specially if the only thing “hurt” might have been your lawn.

In a statement the Mesquite Police Department said in part, “the man and his family were in no immediate danger.”

And they are right. If you have time and space enough to carefully place a warning shot, you are not in immediate danger. The other possible option is that you, even though were in a real situation of death or grave bodily harm, decided that the Christian thing to do is to give the attacking party a chance to kill you or hurt you. If you are in immediate danger, the only proper placement for a bullet is somewhere in the anatomy of the attacking individual.

Besides, the Bad Guy has been already warned by Society that breaking and entering,  assault, rape, murder, etc are against the law and that there are some people with guns out there that may kill them if they continue with their criminal pastimes. The only thing a warning shot accomplishes is to reduce your immediate ammo availability by one.