Month: March 2014

Gun Confiscation Bill in Missouri.

Democrats in Missouri introduced startling anti-gun legislation that would require gun owners to hand over their legally purchased so-called “assault weapons”  to “the appropriate law enforcement agency for destruction” within 90 days.

via Missouri Dems Introduce Alarming Gun Confiscation Bill Giving Law-Abiding Gun Owners 90 Days to Turn in Certain Firearms or Become Felons |

As we were expecting, the front is now in the local states at a legislature level. At the Federal level they know that the House will probably remain firmly in Republican hands (and some hands might even be Tea Party backed… gasp!) and they fear that the Senate may also end up in the other side.  If you see Dem Senators suddenly reversing the Majority Rules, you know we are heading GOP in the chair count.

Go check your state’s legislature website and peruse the laws on the different tables. If you see something you don’t like, contact your State Gun Rights organization and ask them if they are aware of it and what do they think about it. And help them with a small donation or volunteering.