Month: March 2023

Dude won himself a stupid prize

Detroit armed robber shot in chest by concealed carry permit holder after threatening to kill friend: police

A man who tried to rob another man at gunpoint outside a Michigan liquor store was shot in the chest by a concealed carry permit holder and eventually arrested.

The victim told police that a man with a ski mask and a Detroit Lions jacket had followed him and his friend into a liquor store and then back outside before pulling a gun on them.

The suspect is said to have pulled out a gun and threatened to kill the concealed carry holder’s friend unless the concealed carry holder turned over his wallet.

The concealed carry holder then pulled out a gun as he was being patted down by the suspect and shot him in the chest.

The suspect, later identified as Joshua Fordham, was later found on the ground nearby by police suffering from a gunshot wound.

Click 2 Detroit reported that Fordham, who recovered from his gunshot injury, pleaded guilty in March 2014 to armed robbery and was sentenced to 5 to 15 years in prison.

Fordham is not legally allowed to own a gun and is facing a charge for being a felon in possession of a firearm.

Gun laws didn’t stop of felon from illegally obtaining a gun and using it in a crime.

A concealed carry permit holder did use his legal gun to stop a felon from killing his friend.

Post Bruen, we’re seeing a number of states work to limit concealed carry to a degree that makes it impossible to carry legally.

Those states, for all their gun laws, do a piss-poor job of keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.  New York and New Jersey are notorious for dropping or reducing gun position charges.

One might cynically believe that these states want to protect recidivist criminals from citizens.

But in Michigan, if you try to rob a guy at gunpoint you roll the dice. This guy came up snakeeyes and won himself a bullet.

Cultural Differences

In all, police seized more than 40 rifles, shotguns, a bin full of handguns and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition from Jesse Weigand’s home on Demass Road in the town of Oswego during a search on Jan. 26, according to court documents.

According to the report, Jesse was a Jr. High School teacher. He was investigated to determine if he stole school property. It appears that the police got a search warrant and searched his home. They found stolen school furniture and tools.

The headlines though, are not about a school teacher stealing from the taxpayers. Nope, he had 91 high-capacity magazines, with 48 fully loaded.

Now I don’t know how many magazines I currently have. They are not inventoried. I don’t know how much ammunition I currently have on hand. I do know that there are at least 7 30rd magazines for each AR and each AK style rifle. There are at least 6 magazines for the Glock and another 6 for the PC-9. But there are a boat load of magazines in and around the house.

I don’t know how much ammo I have. I measure ammo in “full cans” And there are more than a few “full cans”.

This doesn’t count the 100s if not 1000s of stripper clips that have rounds on them, nor the enbloc clips that have rounds in them.

All in all. More than zero.

This guy is in trouble for nine “illegal” assault rifles and 91 “high-capacity” magazines.

Normally I would just say to a person like that “Great start! Keep up the good work.” The stealing from the school sort of means I won’t.

Years ago one of my friends contacted me. The local school was disposing of dozens of old computers. They were being sent to the dump. He asked if we wanted any of them and we took a dozen or so, refurbished them, upgraded them and gave them to people that didn’t have computers.

I’m pretty sure we would have been accused of “stealing” if the admin had found out. It is actually the case, in many locations, that taking stuff out of somebody’s dumpster/trash can is theft.

What’s a little Emotional Blackmail Amongst Friend?

A Democratic US senator at the forefront of a push to enact new gun control measures has said Republicans “don’t give a crap” about children or gun violence.

Connecticut’s Chris Murphy – who has been a leading force for Democrat gun control efforts since the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school shooting killed 26 people in his state, 20 of them children – made the comment in a wide-ranging interview with Salon that was published on Tuesday.
Chris Murphy: Republicans ‘don’t give a crap’ about children or gun violence

To paraphrase “If you don’t do it the way I want you to do it you hate children!”

The gist has been for many many years that because I don’t want to give up my rights, because I don’t want to give up my freedom, because I don’t want to give up my firearms that I am an evil, hateful person that wants children to die.

We did the annual firearm inventory the other day. This is the time when I lay hands on each and every firearm I own. I verify that the serial number is properly recorded and check for any maintenance the firearm might need. Like cleaning and oiling. As an example, my oldest AR-15 style firearm doesn’t get taken out very often. It was cleaned and oiled after that inventory was completed.

Am I fearful of any of those firearms? No. Do I respect them? Yes, I do. I treat each and every one of them with respect because each and every one of them could kill me or a loved one dead if I am not careful.

So how would one of my firearms become involved in a death?

  1. It could be stolen and used outside of my control
  2. There could be an accidental discharge
  3. There could be a negligent discharge
  4. There could be an intentional discharge with intent

I have reasonable precautions in place to protect my firearms from being stolen. Are they perfect? No. Are they as good as they could be? Again no. Those are decisions I’ve made.

Could there be an accidental discharge? By accidental I mean things like racking the slide and the gun goes bang with out my finger on the trigger, or the firearm is dropped and goes bang when in a safe condition, or if somebody without knowledge fired the firearm. For example my grandchild.

My grandchild doesn’t visit very often. When he does visit the firearms are more securely stored. This is because he could do something accidently. For the rest, following the safety rules pretty much prevents a death due to accidental discharge.

At one point I looked at the possibility of a negligent discharge as “ain’t going to happen to me”. It did happen to me. I have a Marlin 3082 with scope. In order to make it “easier” to manipulate the hammer the former owner put a hammer extension on it.

I was at the range and preparing to safe the weapon. With the firearm pointed down range I attempted to lower the hammer. The hammer slipped from my thumb, hit the firing pin and fired the weapon. The round went into the ground, all safe.

I’ve since changed the way I lower the hammer on any of my external hammer firearms. My left thumb goes between the firing pin and the hammer and then I manipulate the hammer to lower it. If the hammer falls it hits my thumb, not the firing pin.

Regardless, using the four safety rules solve the problem of negligent discharges. They still happen but that is life. We do the best we can to reduce the time it does happen.

Finally, there could be an intentional discharge. This is the case where there is justification for the use of deadly force and I choose to use it. At that point somebody is going to be stopped. They might die.

In not one of these situations is there a single law that can be introduced that would stop “bad things” from happening. A safe storage law wouldn’t solve the problem entirely and it means that the state is deciding what is best for my family. To have no ability to defend my family or to have a very low risk of a minor accessing a firearm and something bad happening.

If I decide to use deadly force it is a decision I make fully understanding the consequences of that decision. No law is going to stop it.

Chris Murphy acts like a spoiled petulant child. He has his toys (security guards) and if you don’t do what he wants he’s going to throw a fit.

I do give a crap. I don’t agree with his solution. That doesn’t make me evil. It doesn’t make me a bad person. I’ve stood between an aggressor and a loved one ready to go to jail if need be. I’m pretty sure he can’t say the same. I doubt very seriously that he has done the calculus on use of force to defend himself or others.

Chris Murphy has others he pays to make that hard decision.