Some legislators in Birmingham, Alabama, are trying to pass a strict gun control bill for the Heart of Dixie.

The law would include:

  • Mandatory gun registration- owner has registration card that lists all weapons
  • No transfers unless done through a registration office
  • New purchases must be picked up at registration office
  • Mandatory gun safes; only registered owner will have combination
  • Mandatory gun safety classes
  • Open carry and concealed carry policies abolished
  • Waiting period for gun purchase extended to three months to allow all paperwork to pass
  • People under 21 prohibited from owning guns
  • Extensive mental evaluation
  • Mandatory liability insurance for firearms
  • Required reporting of stolen firearms within four hours of discovery
  • Ammo purchases made only for the caliber gun specified on registration

This has to be a practical joke.  The last Brady Campaign scorecard, published in 2013, listed Alabama as having an “F” rating.  We Yellowhammers are damn proud of that.  It is one of the reasons that Remington moved a lot of production from Brady passing states.   Recently, Flint River Armory started up in Alabama as well.  The firearms manufacturing future in Alabama is quite rosy.

This bill will have a tiny bit of support among a handful of state legislators.  For the rest of the state, forget going over like a fart in Church, this will go over like a gay orgy in Church.


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “April fools already?”
    1. “Throw something against the wall see if it sticks” strategy.
      What is sad is the race of the proponents. It is like they are saying “Yes! We want to live under Jim Crow again!”

  1. What if it’s an attempt to see who their enemies are? So they know who to direct their efforts at getting out of office. Primary them or dump Bloomberg money against them.

    It’s my understanding that our troops sometimes draw fire to figure out where the enemy is. Think of this as that sort of action?

  2. It’s “virtue signaling”.
    The politickians are re-lieberal demoncraps from re-lieably demoncrap voting districts.
    If they don’t spout out the lines they are fed by their master who hold their purse strings, they won’t get $$ for their re-election campaigns.

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