J. Kb

Medical supplies for ISIS

So I had another one of my patented bad ideas today (if I don’t tell you guys, who can I tell).

I’d love to get a bunch of butt plugs and package them up with some instructions, in boxes marked “medical supplies” and ship them to Syria.

The instructions should say (in Arabic):

Rectal Tourniquet

In case of traumatic injury to the lower abdomen, insert rectal tourniquet into anus to prevent blood loss through the bowel.  

The only thing I can think of better than some ISIS terrorist dying a painful death from a gut shot are his buddies shoving a butt plug up his ass on the battlefield while he does it.

Colorado priorities

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has undone an Obama policy protecting people in states with lax Marijuana laws from federal prosecution.

The Trump administration doesn’t like the idea of states violating federal law, apparently.

The Colorado Senate Democrats responded with this Tweet.

That is really fucking rich coming from the same cocksuckers who drove Magpul out of Colorado at the height of the gun boom.

Like they give a shit about small businesses and taxes.

Support the Second Amendment? Fuck your company.

Sell pot in violation of federal law? Dems got your back.

The state of the media

I got linked from one site to an article in the Daily Kos.

When I got to the Daily Kos, I got hit with a popup.


Yes, that is a petition to get Trump banned from Twitter.

This is a news organization calling for the President of the United States to be banned from a site where he can express his opinion publicly.

I know Twitter is a private company and the First Amendment… private business… not limiting free speech… whatever.

This is an American news site wanting to ban the President from expressing himself on social media.


This is an American news site wanting to ban the President from expressing himself on social media.

One more time so it sinks in.


This is the state of the media in America right now.

Bill Nye the oppression guy

California has some of the highest energy costs in the country, not because they are short on electricity, but because by mandating that so much of it comes from expensive green technologies, it costs a lot to generate.

Consequently, the costs to business is enormous, which among other factors, is driving business out of the state.

Bill Nye has a solution to this.

If you live in a state like Texas, Florida, or Tennessee, where jobs are booming, California, New York, and Illinois are going impose sanctions on you like you are a foreign country, because state’s rights or something.

I’m not sure how this would be legal and all without an act of Congress.

Seeing as how this would be an act by an oppressive state to punish those who fled to or live in a free state, I’d like to suggest the name of this proposed law be The Fugitive Carbon Footprint Act.  It seems fitting.

This must stop

Back in September I wrote a post about the evidence that the Left was going to try and normalize pedophilia, having won on gay rights and making headway on trans-rights.

Homosexuality has always been tied to pedophilia in the public conscious.  This goes back to ancient Greece where pederasty was a cultural norm.

In the modern era, until very recently, the gay community has tried so fight against this, saying that “gay men are not pedophiles, that is an ugly slur.”

Well, 2017 was a culture war dumpster fire, and 2018 is going to ignite the whole landfill.

Last year, Desmond Napoles, was nine years old.  He is a drag queen, and so was made the star of the NYC Pride Parade.

Let’s be honest, drag is overtly sexual.  It is gay Vaudeville.  The sexual nature of the stage-names and costuming is over-the-top, that is part of the entertainment factor.

It was done by a nine-year-old boy to the cheers and applause of the NYC LGBT community.

Desmond is now upping the ante by creating a Drag club for kids in NYC, and the LGBT community has a new hero.

Wow, how has the gay community pulled a 180.

1969-2016: “Gays are not pedophiles , of course you can trust gay men to be teachers, Scout Masters, etc.”

2017 – now: “Look at that 10 year old drag queen, dressing and dancing in an erotic fashion on a gay pride parade float.

The LGBT community REALLY needs to consider if they want to embrace the stigma of pedophilia instead of reject it.  A lot rides on this, such as the undoing of gay rights in America.

How accepting will middle America be of a gay teacher or coach who has selfies on Facebook of him with a prepubescent drag queen?

As for Desmond, I don’t know what his parents are getting out of this now form their progressive friends, but they need to ask themselves this question?

Is the notoriety in the NYC progressive community now worth Desmond’s overdose or suicide by the time he’s 21?  Because there is no way this is healthy for him.  Really, that needs to be asked by every parent who looks at a drag club for kids and says “forget Boy Scouts, that’s what Junior is doing after school.”

5 life hacks to ruin your future

I’ve written about the website The Root before.

The Root is a black hate site that masquerades as a news and pop culture site, owned by the same media organization that owns Jezebel and Jalopnik.

I wouldn’t have even come across this article, except that Tucker Carlson talked about it last night.

I had to read it.

5 Life Hacks for Black People Who Want to Leverage White Guilt to Make White People Uncomfortable at Work.

What are the hacks?

1. If you need a day off and you have no PTO or vacation days left, cite Kwanzaa.

2. Jokingly drop the racism bomb … but with a straight face.

3. Get out of jams by referencing your hair.

4. Imply that they’re racist without actually saying anything.

5. Invite them to an über-black event even though they already had plans.

For the rest of the country it should be titled “5 ways to make black people toxic and unemployable in corporate America.”

This article is not satire.  Nothing in The Root is.  I don’t know if this type of white guilting works in progressive media companies, but out in corporate America, all it will do is plant the seed in the minds of employees that black people are an HR nightmare.  The author of this article, Damon Young, who writes under the title “Very Smart Brothas” is doing any impressionable black people who see this a great disservice.

I get that clickbait generates revenue and so Univision might night care, but crap like this is downright dangerously irresponsible to print.

Democrat Black Shirts

Let’s remember our fascist history.

In 1919 the Fascist part of Italy formed the  Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale, which translates to the “Voluntary Militia for National Security.”

They were more commonly known as the Camicie Nere, or “Blackshirts,” because of the color of their uniforms.

In 1923, they became the volunteer militia of Il Duce, Benito Mussolini.

They were thugs and enforcers who helped maintain Mussolini’s rule with the help of “the bludgeon and castor oil*.

*Castor oil forms Ricinoleic acid in the bowel and irritates the digestive track causing it to spasm.  The Blackshirts would force victims to drink large volumes of castor oil, causing horrible, painful diarrhea, possibly resulting in death from dehydration.


United States Congressman from Minnesota, and Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee Tweeted this.


Once more as a screen capture in case he deletes it.


Yes, you read that right.  A sitting US Congressman seemed to endorse Antifa as a threat to President Donald Trump.

Antifa, who commonly take part in the Black Bloc to riot against conservative speakers and got involved in street fight in Charlottesville.

I’m not sure if Congressman Keith Ellison could have been any clearer that he believes that the role of Antifa is the Democrats’ Camicie Nere.