J. Kb

Welcome to France

Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it.  It seems that America right now has been doomed to repeat the darker days of history.

I am going to have to disagree with Miguel’s assessment a little bit on where and when America is pulling its current batch of troubles.

America isn’t 1938 Germany, it is 1789 France.  I actually think that’s worse.

To be entirely honest, I really don’t see Antifa or a some marginal number of neo-Nazis actually setting up concentration camps in the US.  That’s just too much work for them.  Setting up that kind of infrastructure and mechanized death machine is beyond the capabilities of a bunch of snowflakes with degrees in Anti-Whiteness Transgender Studies.

That is the good news.

Here is the bad.

Let’s remember our French Revolution history.  The indulgences of the monarchy had pissed off the people of France.  Unlike the American Revolution, which pretty much had two sides, Tories (Loyalists) and Whigs (Patriots/Revolutionaries), the French broke up into a number of factions.

Two of the most significant revolutionary factions in France were the Jacobin and Sans-Culottes.  the Jacobin were an elite club of wealthy anti-Royalists.  The Sans-Culottes were  working class French citizens.  They were groups naturally would have disliked each other along class lines, but formed an alliance against the Monarchy.

The Jacobin did not like to get their hands dirty.  They were wealthy elite.  What they did was whip the Sans-Culottes into a violent frenzy and had the working class actually fight the forces of the King.

Doesn’t this sound so very familiar?

The current Jacobin are the Democrats and media.

Statements like those of Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal “I hope Trump gets assassinated,” is exactly the type of rhetoric that fuels the divide.

She’s not alone,

The non stop debasement of Trump and his supporters by the Democrats and media, not just actual-factual Nazis, but all supporters as racist, sexist, homophobes, fuels it.

Step 1: All Trump supporters are Nazis/Nazi sympathizers.

Step 2: It’s OK to punch Nazis and stone sympathizers.

Step 3: Deafening silence by the media on criticizing Antifa/making criticizing Antifa tantamount to being a Nazi sympathizer.

  Brit Hume is now a Nazi because he Tweeted about this article criticizing Antifa.

Democrat elected officials and members of the press are part of the #Resistance by turning Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and a whole motley assortment of other (mostly college age) activists to be their Sans-Culottes boots on the ground.

This is not a Wermacht like army, this is groups of angry, violent young people smashing things.  The French Revolution, for that matter, was not fought by regular armies or trained militias as much as it was bouts of violent uprisings and marches (until the Napoleonic wars, but that came later).

To further this parallel, one of the great tragedies of the French Revolution was Iconoclasm.  Catholicism was the official religion of France to the enraged french set about destroying French churches.  Art, relics, and any imagery associated with the monarchy or the regime being rebelled against was vandalized or destroyed.  The revolutionary parties in France sought not just to purge the monarchy, but any reminder of the monarchy.

Many other people have made the point that it starts with removing Confederate monuments in the dead of night and it will end with the destruction of all American patriotic iconography.

Nancy Pelosi and Cory Booker have demanded the removal of all Confederate imagery from the Capitol building, call them “reprehensible.”

The Washington Post says “We should treat Confederate monuments the way Moscow and Budapest have treated communist statues,” with total destruction.

Slate put sarcastic quotation marks around the word crime in their headline about the mob destruction of a Confederate monument in Durham, NC: Dozens of Activists Turn Selves in Spartacus-Style for “Crime” of Toppling Durham Confederate Statue.

In fact it is a crime to destroy a public monument, even if it offends you, but the Jacobin at Slate want their Antifa/anti-racist/BLM Sans-Culottes to commit the acts of destruction so convince them that they are in the right as they vandalize the public space.

With the destruction of Confederate monuments now a socially acceptable act (that only took a couple of days to accomplish), America’s founders and greatest presidents are headed to the bonfire.

In the last 48 hours, a pastor in Chicago has demanded the renaming of Washington Park because George Washington was a slave owner, a bust of Abraham Lincoln was defaced and social media declared anybody who defended Lincoln is a racist.

A commentator and activist on CNN declared that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson memorials be taken down.

Vice wants to get rid of (“blow up” in the original headline) Mt. Rushmore.

At the rate at which the Left has normalized the public desecration of  Confederate monuments, I’m sure Washington, Jefferson, and the rest of the men who signed the Deceleration of Independence and ratified the Constitution will be  ousted by the end of the year.

Though a tiny part of me will be humored when Lin-Manuel Miranda is comes under siege from the Social Justice Warriors for his musical Hamilton since Alexander Hamilton did participate in the business of slave trading.  No matter how much of Leftist ideological purist you think you are, there is always someone to Left of you with an ice pick with your name on it.

So why is America’s experiencing the French Revolution  now so terrible.

The marches and riots of the French Revolution brought down the nation’s monarchy.  What took its place was the Reign of Terror under Jacobin lawyer Maximilien Robespierre.

The central image and most substantial mark on history of the Reign of Terror was the guillotine.  Many Frenchmen, some only loosely associated with the Old Republic, others who were revolutionaries but fell out of favor, lost their heads in the Parisian square before an angry mob.

Like I said above, I don’t see concentration camps coming to America.

I think we are headed down the road of a Progressive Reign of Terror.  Pick a progressive city, let the police stand around with their thumbs up their asses at the behest of Jacobin politicians, and an angry Antifa mob will turn into a public spectacle kangaroo court followed by public executions.  Be it hangings, beheadings, or shootings a handful of people will be accused of being racist Nazis in front of a jeering, black clad crowd.  The accused with profess their innocence.  It will fall of deaf ears.  Blood will be spilled.  As fast as the crowd appeared and the trial occurred, it will break up and nobody will be held accountable.

That will be enough to silence people.  It’s not Jackbooted totalitarians dragging people out of their beds in the middle of the night that will crush the people.  It is having the Antifa mob take something posted on Facebook, descend on the person in a mob, convict them of disloyalty in a farce of a trial, and guillotine them, that will silence America.



Dear Leftists

While you are busy destroying Confederate Memorial’s in the dead of night, consider this.

The transistor was invented by Bell Laboratory engineer William Shockley.

Shockley won the 1956 Nobel Prize in physics for his work.

He was also a proponent of eugenics and a vile racist.  He once said:

“My research leads me inescapably to the opinion that the major cause of the American Negro’s intellectual and social deficits is hereditary and racially genetic in origin and, thus, not remediable to a major degree by practical improvements in the environment.”

It must be noted that the transistor is the device that makes all electronics and  circuit boards function.  The microchip is nothing but a series of tiny transistors all packed together.

In the spirit of racial justice please destroy all of your digital and analog electronic devices.  Your continued used of electronic technology is an act of perpetuating white supremacism.

Love and Nazis

At the very beginning I want to make it clear just how important this post is to me.  All the personal details in it are true.  I have deliberately left out some details to protect the innocent and preserve people’s dignity.

What I am trying to say here is complicated.  Right now, I don’t give much of a fuck about what Trump said at some speech this or what some other politician said that.  This isn’t about the grand scheme of things, this is about real people.

Since my last post on the subject of Charlottesville and Nazis I have found out that a friend of mine has started falling down the Nazi rabbit hole.  He has been posting borderline white supremacist shit on social media and it is causing a lot of hurt in the people that know and love him.

Let me tell you about my friend.  I’ve known him since I was in college.  I was a student, he was a townie, we met through mutual acquaintances.

He’s a few years younger than me, so early 30’s.  He’s got a couple of very young kids.  He is a veteran, and served his country honorably.  He didn’t go into the service right out of high school because he didn’t finish high school, he dabbled in pot and ended up dropping out.  He joined up as an act of turning his life around.

He wasn’t a bad guy or even a dumb one.  He’s actually a very talented musician.  He is the product of a nasty divorce in a small town where one’s dirty laundry has a tendency to go public and become a source of gossip.  This lead to depression and ultimately to self medication with marijuana.

By the time I met him, he had gotten past most of that, but a high school dropout with no skills isn’t a way to make a living, so off to basic he went.

He’s been out of the military for a few years and has his GED.  He moved back to the small town he came from and started a family.  Work has been sporadic, economic grown in his rural town in the Midwest  hasn’t been good.

He moved to Indianapolis for a while for work.  He had gotten a promotion that precipitated the move, but the reality of life kept that from panning out.  Rent in his small town for a place big enough for him and his kids was $300 per month.  In Indy, it was $1,200.  Likewise, in his small town, he had a support network.  Friends and family that could help him out.  Someone who could watch the kids if he had to work overtime.  In Indy, it was daycare and babysitters, which cost money.  The job paid more but the cost of living was radically higher and in the end the economics of it just didn’t balance out.  Back home he went.

Before the election he was a honest-to-God Bernie fan.

I can tell you honestly, he’s not a Jew hater.  I never heard a word of that from him before.  He’s not a racist either.  Not that I knew him to be.

So why the fall down the Nazi rabbit hole?

Because he’s in pain.  He’s a young, white, man.  He’s made some mistakes in his life but he really wants to do better for his kids.  Life just keeps kicking him in the balls.

On it’s own that’s rough.  Having shit rubbed in his face is worse.

He goes on social media and some worthless cunt of a human being has the audacity to remind him that he’s white and has white privilege, and that other people are more oppressed than he is.

When a run to the Wal-Mart consists of diapers, formula, and ramen because that’s all he can afford this week, he’s emotionally tapped out.  Telling him that he shouldn’t complain because people don’t follow him around the store suspicious of him as a shoplifter because he is white is just pouring salt in his wounds when he can barely afford to go to the store to buy fucking diapers in the first place.  

He gets the distinct impression that absolutely nobody gives a fuck about how much he is struggling, how hard it is for him in his small town, how hard is it for his small town in general, and when he is screaming in pain at the top of his lungs, the feedback he gets on Facebook is “fuck you white man.”

Bernie was going to help him (not really, but it’s what he believed).  The DNC shit on him.  Trump was going to help him.  Now The Resistance™ is shitting on him again.

He is completely out of fucks to give about Confederate memorials or who got shot by a cop wherever because he’s too busy trying to stay employed.

So what happens next.  He finds some Nazis online.  Real white supremacists.  Actual Jew haters.  Genuine Racists.  And they care about him – or at least they seem to.  They show him sympathy.  They understand how hard it is in small town Middle America and they don’t shit on him for being white and hoping Trump will turn his small town around and make it easier for him to find a job.  It’s  breath of fresh air for him.

He has his toe in the rabbit hole, and now the indoctrination begins.

Why am I saying all of this?

Because I believe he can be saved.  He’s not a Nazi.  The guy I palled around with when I was in college isn’t a true believer.  He’s a hurting young man glomming onto something to help him.  This is cult psychology to a T.

I don’t want to hate him.  I believe he can be saved.

Following the aftermath of Charlottesville, I believe my friend’s experience is how we got here.

(And this is where we get political)

The reality is that this is the Weimar Republic all over again.  Germany was hit with the same economic disaster that the rest of the Western World was in the 1920’s.  The story  of Reichsmark hyperinflation is the stuff of legend – people wall papering their homes with bank notes because the notes were worth less than wall paper.

Yes, Germany was filled with anti-Semites, pretty much all of Europe was.  I am not condoning that at all.  But how did the Nazi party go from the fringe to the lead of German society?  A generation of Germans came of age under the Treaty of Versailles, economically broken, they were forced to suffer under the indignity of being blamed for WWI.  The Nazis came along and reminded the German people that they were the victims of Jews, Communists, other untermensch.  The Nazis took control under the guise of restoring dignity to the downtrodden German people.  All the German people needed to do was exterminate all the non Aryans and invade Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Russia for lebensraum.  There was no real solution for German suffering but the power was in finding scapegoats for German suffering and murdering them.

One of the greatest acts of policy ever put in place by any nation ever, was the Marshall Plan.  This was an economic plan by the United States to rebuild Europe after WWII.  It was done explicitly to prevent the rise of another Naziesque group by helping the German people and preserving their dignity.

At the same time, the Allied nations held the Nuremberg Trials and executed a shitload of Nazis.

What’s the parallel here.  There are real Nazis.  There are real white supremacists.  There are true believers who are filled with hate, to know the racists conspiracies are true.  They are vile and dangerous and are the reason I stockpile guns and ammo.

For ever one of them, there are five, ten, a hundred downtrodden white guys who just want a job that isn’t shit with an income that will do more than get them ramen and diapers, and listens to them when they say “my life is hard” and doesn’t shoot back with “fuck you and your white privilege.”  

I truly, honestly, believe that they can be brought around.  They are lashing out in pain and anger.  Condemn the Nazi attitude but help the people and they will stop being Nazis.  Double down on them and they will become entrenched and irredeemable.

I know it’s difficult to say “I want to help a Nazi” but to dismiss the countless people who through suffering were driven to Nazism is only going to fracture us more.

We have to acknowledge that inside the chanting and ranting and racist posting there are legitimate grievances.  Those grievances must be  separated from the racist bullshit that goes along with it, and addressed in a serious way.

Yes, you are suffering economically.  Yes, you small town has not recovered from the recession.  No, it’s not the fault of Jewish bankers and Zionist Communists.  

Simply dismissing EVERYTHING they have to say because Nazi will only drive them further over the edge.

Believe me.  When it comes to shooting true, dyed in the wool, Nazis, I’m on board

For the wide swath of angry, hurting, beaten down white men tempted to extremism, we need  Marshall Plan for America.  We need to turn Weimar America around before the extreme ideologies harden and a tiny fringe movement has enough people to try and become a Fourth Reich.

I’d much rather help a friend through crisis now than have to shoot him in the face later.

There will be blood – Charlottesville aftermath

I will occasionally discuss a post with my wife before making it.  Run some ideas by her to flesh them out.  The subject of this post actually turned into a fight.

After yesterday’s day at the range, I came back to a very heavy news cycle and I had some catching up to do.  This morning I was reading about the aftermath of the Charlottesville protest and voiced an opinion and it went downhill from there.

My first was: “I am going to need something belt fed, and grenades, lots of grenades.”

My second was: “I actually want this shit to go bad and for it to turn into a raging fucking bloodbath.  The only tragedy about one person being killed by being run over by a Nazi is that it is not nearly enough.”

The more I read, the more I hated everyone.  I mean truly fucking hate everyone.

I’m not a Nazi.  Pretty sure of that.  A Jewish guy who believes in limited government and individual liberty.  Yeah, pretty sure I’m not a Nazi.

Then I voiced the opinion that caused all hell to break loose: “The more of the opinion from the Left that I see, the more I understand the Nazis and I fucking hate it.”

Apparently, anything on my part but the utmost condemnation of Nazis was less than acceptable.  And there is the rub.

I hate Nazis.  You can take that to the bank and cash it.  Believe me.  But I understand where they are coming from.  That is – and I need to make this clear – not the same as condoning them.  This is what a good portion of this blog post is all about.

So let’s turn our backs from the Nazis for a second and look at the other size of this shit storm supercell.

First of all, an important question needs to be asked: am I white?

A lot hangs on this question.  Some 80 years ago, Nazis would have said “No.”  As a Jew, I am not Aryan, I would not have been accepted as European, I would have been untermensch.  In 21st century America, the Nazis feel pretty much the same way.

The Left disagrees, to them I am very white.  Not just white, but absolutely soaked in the original sin of white privilege.  Not just do I have white privilege, but I have super white privilege called “Jewish privilege.”  It’s all the sin of regular white privilege magnified by Jewish money and control of the banks and media and ever other anti-Semitic conspiracy theory borrowed from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Because of my white Jewish privilege, at best, the Social Justice crowd doesn’t care about me.  In practice, they hate me.  I oppresses everybody and am unwelcome in their safe spaces, dyke marches, slut walks, student governments, or anywhere else.

So I guess the answer to “am I white” is “it depends on if it is a reason to hate you” – i.e., I’m not white to justify Nazi hatred and I am white to justify Leftist hatred.

Since I am dealing with the Left right now, I’m white.  As a white guy, this is what I see:

Here is a radical Leftist professor calling for a white genocide.  Yes, he was reprimanded, but ONLY after public outcry.  Had his tweet not gone viral, Drexel would not have done anything.

Here are a couple of Harvard students at a debate competition justifying white genocide.

If I were the parent of a student, I would be upset if my child were shown a video teaching them why they should feel guilty for being white.

If I were the parent of a college student, I’d be pissed if I sent my kid to Arizona State, Wisconsin-Madison, Hunter College, Grinnell College,  or an enormous list of other schools that teach in classes that ‘whiteness’ is racist, problematical, and should be deconstructed and abolished.

It’s like the entire American University system hates white people.

A writing conference in Minnesota was canceled because there were too many white people.  It wasn’t intended to be all white.  It was just who volunteered to teach children to write.  But according to the left, it’s not worth teaching children to write if it exposes them to too many white people.

The media too.  It’s not like a major international newspaper would publish a cartoon that said it is “unfortunate” that there is not planned genocide of white people.  Oh, wait, they did.

Or that people on Quora boast that they enjoy seeing white men suffer.

Lady Gaga decided to make some vapid but innocuous comment about Charlottesville on Twitter.

Well, black Twitter decided that white solidarity wasn’t welcome.

This is nothing new.  We learned from protest after protest that the opinions of white people are irrelevant.  Occupy Wall Street called it the “progressive stack” and put white men at the back of line to speak.  It has become so cliche, that a video of this was turned into a meme.  The only thing the Left accepts from white people, especially white men, is for them to rend their clothes, throw themselves prostrate before POCs, and beg forgiveness for the sin of white privilege and give reparations to POCs.

Following the events in Charlottesville, white people were instructed very clearly to shut up, because even though a white protester was killed, our feelings don’t matter anymore.

Michael Moore, in his unending quest to be the biggest piece of shit on Earth, decided to celebrate some arrests in Charlottesville with this:

If I were a straight up, pure bred, white man, I’d be absolutely sure that the Leftist powers that be, particularly in academia, hate me because of the color of my skin.

I can see how one might form the opinion that Social Justice is less about equality and more about a vision of a boot on a POC foot, stamping on a white face – forever.

One could look at the Sanctuary City issue and come away with the opinion that Leftists are letting in these Mexicans to rape our precious white women and children then are released or given the opportunity to plead to lesser crimes to avoid deportation because deporting criminals is “racist.”

If I were a working class, white guy, who busts his ass every day to make ends meet, and all I see from the Left is identity politics that openly hates me, tells me that I have everything because of my white privilege and not the 60 hours a week I spend on an assembly line*, teach my kids that they are awful people because they are white, and then celebrates it if I fell on hard times, I might want to join up with people who actually want to fight for the downtrodden white guy.

*I actually did that in real life – work an assembly line.  I know how grueling it is.

These fucking Leftists are so God damn fucking awful that they tempt me to be sympathetic to white supremacists.  

It’s not just America vs. Nazis anymore.  Identity politics has redrawn the battle lines and I am in no man’s land.  Each side has declared me their enemy for their respective reasons.

So here I am stuck between Scylla and Charybdis.

I’m a Jew, so I’m not white, except when I am.  The Nazis hate me and the Leftists hate me.

If I wanted to be humorous I’d say I just can’t win for losing.  The reality is I see something like Charlottesville and I just want to napalm the entire fucking area and let them all burn.  Is a Nazi on fire?  Good!  Is some Leftist bitch with a white male coffee mug experiencing the agony of having her skin be turned into chicharones?  Fantastic!

I hate them all.

Conversation with the wife

This happened today on the way to the grocery store:

Her: “Have you seen the news about what’s happened in Charlottesville?”

Me: “A little, why?”

Her: “What do you know?”

Me: “Some Nazis and KKK have fought it out with some Antifa Communists.  It’s the Eastern Front in WWII all over again.”

Her: “That doesn’t bother you?”

Me: “When Nazis and Commmies try and kill each other, I really don’t give a shit.  May they all die choking each other to death.”

*Shows wife Miguel’s post with similar sentiment on phone.”

Her: “The only thing they have in common is that that are both anti-Semitic.  Nobody seems to care about that.”

*Shows me Facebook group about it.*

Me: “Yeah, like I said, Nazis and Commies.  You think I’m surprised they are  a bunch of anti-Semites?”

Her: “But these are real Nazis.  They shouldn’t exist like this.”

Me: “Welcome to the side effect of freedom.  Some people will choose to be horrible assholes.  They have the First Amendment right to do so.”

Her: “That doesn’t bother you?”

Me: “Well, they spent today parading their Jew hate.  I spent today practicing shooting people in the fucking face. ”

*Pats fanny pack containing Para Warthog and 38 rounds of 45 +P.”

Me: “Hooray freedom.”