Good ol’ Bernie.  Every time a socialist goes on Twitter, they show just how little they know about the economy.

I don’t remember Trump saying that.  Even if he did, what Bernie proposes that Trump said is an economic impossibility.

There is no across the board tax cut that wouldn’t benefit the rich.  What Bernie wants to do is raise taxes on the rich and “cut taxes” on the not rich.  There is a lot of economic evidence to explain why that doesn’t increase the Federal revenue and why it hurts the economy.

So what if that plunges us into the next recession, it feels “fair” to the socialists and that’s all he cares about.

This was his next Tweet.

Somebody isn’t reading the French news.

I know that riots and protests are common in France so the French burning shit over a bureaucratic regulation isn’t new.  Americans don’t do that as often.

Here is the problem with that.  The US economy is small business driven, with 80% of our GDP derived from that.  We are an entrepreneurial nation.

France… not so much, and it’s getting worse.

In a nutshell, the French government give great pensions and benefits to goverment workers.  Large French companies can match those benefits with goverment help.

Small business just can’t and they get their beignet taxed off to pay for the government benefits.  Starting a business is hard as there is an incredible rat’s nest of red tape to do that in.  As a result, most French would rather work for a big company than start their own.

Different states in the US have different rules, but in general the US is a far better entrepreneurial and small business country.

So who is going to get really hosed by $5 per gallon gas?

The independent plumber or small general contractor.  The small caterer or independent trucker.  America’s small business operators who will see their costs of doing business go up.

Furthermore, what regions of the country will get hit the hardest?  The suburban and rural parts of America that lack the public transportation infrastructure of urban coastal cities.

So when Bernie gets his plan put in place for the economy to serve the people and not the profits of the oil industry billionaires, who is really going to pay for that?

Working and middle class entrepreneurs and small business owners in Red states or Red counties in Blue states whose business expenses make them noncompetitive and ultimately go under.

The Bernie Bro hipster in Brooklyn won’t care about $7/gal gas until he sees how much and Uber ride costs.

The HVAC repairman or electrician who sees the gas bill on his work truck quadruple is going to have his profit margin kicked in the junk.

Just do that to every gas powered tool on a construction site and tell me what the cost is for running equipment.

If you want to get Middle Americans to start burning things, and worse, destroy the small business profits of millions of Americans in Red States so some Silicon Valley techie can get subsidized solar panels on his roof.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Bernie wants to become Burnie”
  1. “It’s time for a political revolution that takes on fossil fuel billionaires, accelerates our transition to clean energy, and finally puts people before the profits of polluters.”

    Not that I needed confirmation, but that first sentence clearly indicates how completely clueless he really is. Last time I checked, the oil barons are all gone. Their companies went public ages ago. The “fossil fuel billionaires” are actually the working class with retirement savings in 401(k)s and company pensions.

    If he really wants to stick it to the “billionaires” it’s people like Tesla electric car company founder Elon Musk, or Camp and Kalanick (founders of Uber). You know, the green companies, those guys.

    Oh, wait…

    Never mind.

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