Thaddeus Kirkland. Democrat, serving Delaware County.

My legislation creates a new section under Title 18 Chapter 61 regarding firearms and other dangerous articles. Specifically, the bill prohibits the use of human silhouette targets at shooting ranges across the Commonwealth except by law enforcement officers, military personnel or other public safety personnel in line with their official duties. If a person violates the provisions of the new section, he or she will commit a summary offense.

via House Co-Sponsorship Memoranda – PA House of Representatives.

I thought idiots like this only sprouted in the legislatures of Florida, California and Washington State. We have seen this prohibition across some public ranges and I still have not figured out what is the rationale behind it. I know there has been some outcry about some specific targets allegedly representing certain famous and infamous people, but I think the good old B27 target has pretty much been a long time standard almost everywhere and comes with no controversy other than a newly manufactured one.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Bill in the PA House of Representatives: Ban human silhouette targets.”
  1. “…except by law enforcement officers, military personnel or other public safety personnel in line with their official duties.”

    It’s clear what this is about. It’s clear we’re not going to allow it, either. ALL citizens are military personnel.

  2. You haven’t figured out the rationale, huh?

    What color are the B27 targets?

    Just sayin’

    BTW, this seems to imply that Zombie targets will still be OK, since it only refers to human silhouettes.

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