I just got this notification in the mail.

It is from a Venezuelan bank which still holds an account on my name reminding me I am supposed to pay my Income Tax. [insert laugh track]

After all the devaluations and inflation, it should be carrying a balance in the pennies. I don’t think I have checked that account in years and the only reason I keep getting the emails is to see what kind of absurdities the Government imposes on people with a bank account and then what kind of fixes they try to implement.

As for paying the taxes down there? Hell, I did not pay a red cent to those fuckers when I lived and worked down there, good luck trying to collect anything from me here. They can always send a couple of Venezuelan cops to try to arrest me and send me back for lack of payment, “try” being the operative work.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Bubba, you better get a chair and be comfy.”
  1. “They can always send a couple of Venezuelan cops to try to arrest me…”

    If what I’ve read is true, the only thing they’ll be arresting when they get to Florida is the food in your refrigerator.

  2. They can always send a couple of Venezuelan cops to try to arrest me…

    Meh. Offer to sponsor their immigration to America, and they’ll do whatever you ask.

    Maybe even vote Republican! 😀

  3. I agree with Archer.

    Maybe you should offer to discuss your taxes with one of their bankers at a meeting here in the United States? You can offer him/her a similar deal.

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