CSGV Stabbed 4 year old

Nothing like the face of an angelic 3-year-old to increase the shock value of their message….except one little detail.

An arrest report says Carlopoli directed deputies into an apartment, where they found 37-year-old Tammy Modlin and 16-year-old Montana Modlin dead on a bed with a firearm between them. The deputies also found 3-year-old Jeanne Carlopoli and a dog fatally stabbed.

Source: 3 found dead at “gruesome” crime scene in Florida apartment – CBS News

Now remember, they have no problem calling us degenerates, but their necrophiliac-like parading of any body available, specially of kids to raise funds and stay relevant is somehow sacred and top of the high moral ground.

CSGV is descending rapidly into an irreversible lunacy.  I do believe they will create a deadly event to “prove” their points.  They don’t care how many or how young must die.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “CSGV: Deception because they can.”
  1. Well, I do agree with them in part. Damn them all.

    Side note: I can see some sort of Heaven’s Gate scenario with Ladd’s group.

    Good to see you back up Miguel!

  2. They are becoming despicable (more than they were). Using dead children to advance their agenda. They really do not care who’s blood they dance in as long as they can do their dance.

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