Let’s face it: Nobody took Jesse James seriously when it came to firearms. He was never a builder but somebody with an expensive beddazler kit decorating guns. His silencer always made me laugh because it reminded me of a sweet potato rather than something that goes in front of a rifle.

And Jesse obviously has a problem with making the right decision or even the smart one. Dumping Sandra Bullock, America’s sweetheart for a woman who looked like she was expelled from a sailor’s whorehouse did little to ingratiate him with the public.

His last one? This idiocy.

I will guess he has seen all the negative press about guns/NRA and decided to play it safe by pretending to be for “common sense gun reforms.”  I ma thinking he was not much of a gun guy way back during the Clinton years and the AWB when the words “restricted military government law enforcement only” became a direct insult to US Citizens.

So dear Jesse, fuck you very much and go modify Vespas now.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Fair Weather Gun People: Jesse James.”
  1. I seem to recall I had a toy “space gun” in the ’50s that looked a lot like that. Shot sparks out the muzzle and made a zzz sound.

  2. Any bets on if he is doing this to keep it out of the hands of reviews that would tear it to pieces? Like in his mind this is “saving face” instead of admitting it is a garbage design? Anyone?

  3. In my mind one of the greatest contributions to the modern industrial society was the invention of the seamless pipe drawing process in 1885.

    It’s nice to see, that Mr. James is a proponent of primitive technology. Good for him! One can learn much about the past by using obsolete methods 😀

  4. I never thought he was much of a motorcycle guy either. Everything I saw on his show (my kids used to watch) looked impractical and completely unrideable. He was just cashing in on the current wave of popular tv programming.

    And yeah, dumping Sandra? Tattoos must cause stupidly. At least in his case. And never trust a guy that doesn’t shape the bill of his cap.

  5. They come apart when you shoot them. They are not pressure vessels. It’s his way of saying “I don’t want to get complains anymore or sued when they come apart violently.”

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