I compiled this list and gave my opinion about it. As we stand, we have 26 Gun Control Bills (both Senate and House, some companions), only 3 openly Pro Gun Bills and one that I consider neutral in the grand scheme of things.Β  The four Bad Bills tagged with an asterisk are really bad bills as in some of them sending back Gun Rights all the way back to before Shall Issue Concealed Carry became the law of the land and the modern gun rights avalanche started.


SB 94 Transfers of Firearms Bad Bill
SB 114 Risk Protection Orders Bad Bill
HB 117 Concealed Weapons or Concealed Firearms Licensing Bad Bill
HB 245 Concealed Weapons and Firearms Bad Bill
SB 270 Sale and Delivery of Firearms Bad Bill
HB 291 Pub. Rec./Sales of Ammunition Bad Bill
SB 310 Three-dimensional Printed Firearms Bad Bill
HB 311 Threats Bad Bill
SB 398 Concealed Weapons and Firearms Bad Bill
SB 428 Prohibited Places for Weapons and Firearms Bad Bill
HB 451 Weapons and Firearms Bad Bill
SB 460 Sales of Ammunition Bad Bill
SB 462 Public Records/Buyer or Transferee/Ammunition Bad Bill
HB 499 Domestic Violence Bad Bill
SB 548 Firearms Bad Bill
SB 558 Large-capacity Magazines Bad Bill
SB 586 Firearms Bad Bill
SB 634 Lawful Ownership, Possession, and Use of Firearms and Weapons Bad Bill
SB 718 Domestic Violence Bad Bill
SB 728 Threats Bad Bill
SB 794 Large-capacity Magazines Bad Bill
SB 134 Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition Bad Bill *
SB 266 Safe Storage of Loaded Firearms Bad Bill *
HB 289 Sales of Ammunition Bad Bill *
HB 353 Weapons and Firearms Bad Bill *
HB 6009 Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition Bad Bill*
HB 273 Carrying of Firearms Good Bill
HB 6001 Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms Good Bill
HB 6003 Firearms Good Bill
HB 183 Prohibited Places for Weapons and Firearms Neutral Bill

I will check on the lists of Senators and Representatives and post new versions if necessary. Trying here to be your one stop resource for Florida Legislative information because sure as heck they don’t make it easy.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Florida Gun Bills for the 2020 Legislative Season (So far)”
  1. Miguel, I know it is a lot of work to put together these lists of gun bills in Florida. Unfortunately, I can’t help very much for Florida bills. I can call my federal representatives and senators.

    Would you please put together the same sort of list for Federal bills? To often all I get is some snippet saying “There is another bad gun bill in such and such committee.” Without the bill number it is very hard to track down what bill I need my Reps to oppose.

    Thank you

      1. It is worse than you think. Think about the fact that the Omnibus bill that is now known as “Obama Care” was never listed under “health care” or “Obama Care”

        The other thing that happens is that I hear about “A bill was recently introduced to such and such committee and when I go digging, I find it is H.R.-8 which was introduced the first day of the current congress.

        The gun grabbers just keep reusing the same bill. πŸ™

        Thanks for all you do for the Gun community

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