CCPD Capt. Daniel Flood said, “Unfortunately, we’ve seen a big increase in the number of guns that have been stolen from unlocked cars. From burglaries and that type of thing.” He added, “About a third of them don’t have serial numbers. [The gun owners] don’t record the serial numbers.”

Flood is asking county residents to provide their serial numbers via a database so that if their guns are stolen police will have the information. He says that will enable police to find the gun if it is taken to a pawn shop in another county or state too

Georgia Police Department Asking Residents to Provide Firearm Serial Numbers

Is this guy for real? How dense can he be? We have an undeniable issue which is people leaving unsecured weapons in cars and rather than going “Hey people! Get yourselves a small gun safe for the car and would you please take all of five minutes to record your gun’s serial number somewhere? We would appreciate it and I am sure it will come handy  if you are going to put an insurance claim. Thanks!”

Nah, too easy. Instead why don’t we create a database and tell Citizens for their own safety and convenience that we want their gun’s serial numbers.

The sad part? There will be a couple of dense Mike Foxtrots that indeed will be gullible enough to do so.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Georgia Police department asking Citizens to provide the serial numbers of firearms…sure, why not?”
  1. The Jacksonville area has had an ongoing problem with people leaving unsecured guns in unlocked cars, including some LEO’s whose police issue guns and equipment have been stolen, or so they claimed.

  2. back in the 90s I got a call from my insurance agent. he wanted photos and serial numbers of my guns.. I asked, do you need photos of my wifes jewelry?
    no he says. then you dont need photos of my guns. the end.
    this looks like a phising expedition by the cops..

    1. That was weird. Insurance companies don’t mind clients to have pictures of the insured items and I even say they like it because it saves them trouble and paperwork. But I never heard of demanding you turn in pics and numbers… Feels like ATF was in the background.

  3. Flood is asking county residents to provide their serial numbers via a database so that if their guns are stolen police will have the information. He says that will enable police to find the gun if it is taken to a pawn shop in another county or state too

    How ’bout we don’t provide those numbers until you need them, Cap’n? When the gun is stolen and we need to report it?

    This is a microcosm of all gun control legislation. Someone does something wrong or stupid and they make a rule that effects everyone who had nothing to do with the original screw-up.

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