(Browser translation)

José Miguel León Pérez, second sergeant in the National Guard, was shot in the head when a group of criminals attacked him at his pao-Cachincha reservoir checkpoint, via Pirapira sector, Carabobo state.‎

‎The attack happened on Friday night.‎

‎The guard was stripped of his AK-103 rifle. A commission of National Guard officials searched the area, in order to locate the whereabouts of those involved in the event.‎

Con un tiro en la cabeza asesinaron a un sargento para robarle el fusil.

Criminals in Venezuela are killing over a 200 cops a year to get their guns. The number of National Guardsmen is not know, but I would not be surprised if it passes well over the 100 mark.

You see? The criminal element is growing and only the government can import firearms to the country. There is a demand for the artifacts but they are not for sale…but they are available if you re willing to pay the price. Cash price  from the black marketeers might be too high so shooting a cop or a NG is cheaper because God Know life is indeed cheap in Venezuela.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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