I caught this over at Twitchy.

That right there is the definition of faith.  That is politics as a religion.

What happens when he sins?  Does he go to the senate building to confess?  Does Nancy Pelosi have him say five Hail Hillarys and five Our Obamas and leave a donation to Planned Parenthood?  When the Obama library is built, we he have to take a pilgrimage to it?

Let me tell you the No. 1 lesson I lave learned from Jewish History:

The mercy of big government will eventually run out and we will either be expelled or killed by it.

That includes the US.  Yes.  The beatified Franklin Delano Roosevelt knew about the Holocaust and ignored it in favor of isolationism.

Murphy puts his faith in the Church of Big Government and it is horrifying.

I am not just an agnostic but a infidel to his religion.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Heathens”
    1. What percentage of American Jews, would you guesstimate, are pro-big government and anti-2A?

  1. “What happens when he sins?”

    He does what all pious Democrats do. He prays to Saul Alinsky.

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