By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “If we only had Universal Background Checks, tragedies like this would never happen.”
  1. Hilarious. Shame on the person who was stupid enough to store their gun in their sock drawer and forget about it, but these things happen when you are free and have rights. If ya don’t like it, there’s always Mexico. Ha.

  2. The initial news reports had the gun falling to the floor and discharging. Now the story being reported is that the gun fell out of the sock into the co-workers hand where it then discharged.

  3. :facepalm: Guns don’t just “go off”, people. Any more than your car just “starts itself and drunkenly drives full-tilt into a bus full of nuns and orphan kittens”.

  4. Wow… what a fricken way to go 🙁 It’s a tragedy in all aspects. Some poor lady is killed because some crook stashed it there. Along she comes; thinking that this pair would be great for %relative% and then she’s dead… wow.
    Maybe she’d done enough good on Earth that she was called home to continue it…

  5. They do not happen to mention this was in Chicago and the sock did not have a FOID card.

    I’d wager that the sock had a voter registration card though.

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