I said it before, Fred Guttenberg is an asshole who had gotten great fame and fortune blaming the NRA for his daughter’s death at Parkland, but refuses to publicly condemn any of the Broward County bureaucrats and politicians that failed to deal with Cruz before he went on his rampage.

He decided to show up at the Kavanaugh Senate confirmation hearing and be pull media stunt.  He offered to shake Kavanaugh’s hand while saying his daughter was murdered at Parkland, like that was Kavanaugh’s fault.  Of course, he was snubbed.

The anti-gun activists hit the roof.

First of all, Fred Guttenberg is not an elected official, a registered lobbyist, a DC staffer, or anything else special.  He’s a victim but currently in America, that doesn’t grant him any extra special rights or privileges.

Also what he did was just dick behavior.

Of course, Kavanaugh is going to get dragged for it.

I’m not a lawyer, let alone a Senator of former AG of America’s most populous state, but I know that giving gun violence victims a fair shake in court is not the job of a Supreme Court Justice.

The victims of gun violence have no bearing on the constitutionality of gun laws.  The 17 dead in Parkland have no posthumous authority to strip me of my constitutionally protected civil rights.

Harris’ call is for total judicial activism where a civil right can be suspended if enough people cry victim over it.

This is why a Justice like Kavanaugh is needed more than ever.

I feel sorry for Fred Guttenberg’s loss as a father, but his grief does not give him the power to take my rights.  No matter how many stunts he pulls. And how do we how it’s a stunt?

He needed more airtime.



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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Kavanaugh and Guttenberg”
  1. How was he even allowed that close to Kavanaugh? And I don’t have to wonder what would happen if families of Illegal immigrant victims tried to pull the same stunt near or around any Lib politicians or judges.

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