Park is two houses down on the left of the photo.

Earlier today, there was some party at a small park two houses down from mine. Like any party this time of the year, it extended into the night till 9 pm or so. There was music and a DJ thinking she was funny, but you could hear it if you stepped outside, inside the house was pretty much quiet.

About 8:45 pm I did hear  faint screaming and rather than opening the front door, I clicked on the door bell camera. That thing is sensitive! I know it was getting the sound reflection from the houses in front and you could not make what they were saying, but you could easily figure that a female was saying things in anger. Other joined the loud argument and those untrained in the Latino philosophy of parties would have called the police fearing a battle among the Shaolin Masters of the Machete and other Agricultural implements.  But at the end it was just another party where Hispanics drank too much and had to over-scream everybody else about stupid stuff.

Now, that brings us to an important point to assimilate: With the popularity of these devices, you have to factor that your voice can be recorded by anybody, anywhere and that can be damnation or salvation depending on the case.

Plan accordingly.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

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