By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “People like this are allegedly on our side.”
  1. Just because you don’t like the facts does not make someone reminding you of them stupid.

    As I recall the NRA was involved in the creation of the NFA of 1934.
    They were also instrumental in the passing of the Gun Control Act of 1968.
    They were more than happy to support the Hughes Amendment in order to get a toothless FOPA passed in 1986.

    It was state level grassroots gun rights organizations that got Heller to the SCOTUS with the NRA opposing them every step of the way.

    So, tell me again how the NRA is on “our” side.
    It may be on your side, but it is most assuredly not on my side. OTOH, I tend to agree with the 2nd Amendment the way it was written.

    1. Before you go back out in the world and continue to show your ignorance, I will ask you to Google “The Cincinnati Revolt” in 1979.

      You do need to research things deeper and longer than a Facebook post. Amazing the amount of information you will gather and how less dumb you will look.

      1. I see the talking points this person is making echoed a lot, but if you press those people for specifics, more often than not you get nothing but silence.

        “…I tend to agree with the 2nd Amendment the way it was written.”

        Also, spare us the smug purism. We all want the second amendment to be interpreted the way it was written. However the real world is unfair, unjust, and at times corrupt. You can choose to live in the real world and do the best that can be done, or you can go down the same road that so many snowflakes on the left have and get angry that the world doesn’t conform to the way you think it should be. It’s not working for them and it won’t work for you.

  2. They are right!

    Hillary Clinton is a much better gun rights advocate. If we only had elected her, we would have had National Constitutional Carry AND a repeal of the Hughes Amendment!

    And if you can’t tell this is sarcasm…

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