What I learned from Liberals today is that there is nothing like shitting on a victim to prove just how virtuous your side is.

Michael Ian Black is a terribly comedian and a worse person.

He decided that blaming guns wasn’t enough, he had to blame men too.


He went on an anti-male tirade, confirming to the world that “Woke” Liberal males are different than actual men.  Apparently his idea of “men” shoot up schools because they can’t share their feelings or some inane shit like that.

I will say, at the risk of offending some of my readers, it sort of amazes me that I hear crap about toxic masculinity from the same people who say a women doesn’t need a man and have led the surge in divorce and fatherless homes.  It seems that when you toss dad out of the family and raise a boy on pop culture TV and video games, there is a good chance that he turns out all fucked up.  Then these people blame men for this toxic masculinity, like it was dad – and not the absence of dad – that caused it.  But that’s just my opinion.

Michelle Malkin pointed out to Black that some men are actually life saving heroes and that this gender loathing is stupid.

Black took the noble path of shitting all over that hero.


Translation: “Feis was just another shit man until the last few seconds when he dove in front of bullets.  But he’s still a man and that makes him broken.”

What the fuck is wrong with this guy.  Badmouth a Coach who died saving his players.  That’s definitely going to win supporters to his side.

Then shit really went down hill.

A grieving father was interviewed by the news.


He was wearing a Trump shirt.  You know what that means?  He’s a subhuman piece of shit that deserves no sympathy for the death of his daughter.



Normally I’d ask “what the fuck is wrong with these people?”  But I know the answer.  This is full fledged Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Shitting on a father who is going to have to bury his daughter because he voted for Trump is the most vomit inducing thing I’ve seen today.

And these people wave that shit around like they believe it makes them good people.

I insulted a man whose daughter was murdered because he was wearing a Trump shirt, look how good of a person I am. 

These people have crossed the Rubicon.  There is no walking back this evil.  Yet they seem to think that this will convert people to their cause.

Looking at this objectively, if I had to ask which side I would rather be on: the one that morns a man for giving his life to save others and supports a father that lost his daughter, OR be on the side that attacks a hero and a grieving father because Men, Social Justice, and Trump?

It goes without saying I’m going to stay away from the people with souls filled with shit.

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “That’s going to win people over”
  1. Who is “Michael Ian Black”, and why should I care what he writes?

    Who are any of these people, except sociopaths reinforcing each other’s pathologies?

  2. How many mass shootings were done during obammys rien?????? Were they all obammys fault?? These people are just keeping the hate going.

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