I feel really bad for that guard and I hope he sues his former employer.

I worked as a security guard in school. It was a much better paying late night job than stocking shelves.

I was under specific instructions not to leave my post, which was inside the building.  If something happened outside it was not of my business, except for the parking lot.  Company insurance wouldn’t cover me if I dealt with anything off property.

I was also supposed to avoid “being a hero.”  Most private security is about maintaining a presence. Most people won’t shoplift if they are being watched.  If someone came in, gave me the finger, grabbed merchandise and walked out i was not to stop him, just call the cops and be a good witness.

I suspect that this guard was under the same orders and saw an assault on a public sidewalk and knew that if he left his post to stop it he’d probably be fired.

Moreover, assuming he didn’t have a weapon what was he supposed to do besides risk getting his own ass kicked.

But his employer threw him under the bus because of a social media backlash.

Yes. I believe he had a moral obligation to do something, but it’s very hard to do something when doing something will risk your livelihood in a down economy.

If you want this to stop arm the security guards and empower them to actually protect the innocent within eyesight.

What stops a savage like that is the fear that if he does violence onto others, violence will be done unto him.

When savages are confident violence won’t be reciprocated, they are emboldened to attack.  Hence why they target the elderly.

An impotent security guard isn’t a threat to them so they don’t fear them.

You want to stop this shit?

Let a property manager make it known that “our doormen are armed and if you commit a violent crime on our property they will use all the force necessary to stop you.”

Laws also need to be changed to protect those who protect the innocent, including good Samaritans.

People should be confident to confront violent and evil savagery, not be afraid of getting involved because they are overpowered and the law is against them.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Another anti-Asian attack in NYC with paralyzed bystanders”
  1. Your last paragraph says it all- most are confident in the ability to deal with criminals(b-bang)…. its the aftermath that could do you in…

  2. Another problem – if the security guard is white, and he tackled and detained the assailant, he’d be fired for racism, then hunted down by BLM/antifa.

    So, they need security guards of every race present. The security guard of the same race as the assailant will be the only one allowed to deal with him.

  3. I’m going to disagree. Slightly.

    According to the story, he -shut the door in the woman’s face-.

    He didn’t have to leave his post. He could’ve let her come in. If the feral had continued his attack he’d have all the justification he needed to fight back (whether he’d have the means is another matter entirely).

  4. Similar situations exist all over. For example, where I work (large industrial plant) we have our own medical and emergency responders, including site ambulance and multiple firetrucks. I asked the question of “what would happen if I was in a bad car wreck just outside the gate of the plant”. The answer, you’re on a public road, therefore city and county would have to respond.

    So a clear situation of a bad wreck where I could expect 30 minutes to an hour for the county to respond, when I know there’s a fully staffed and trained crew less than 2 minutes away that won’t help. This isn’t just hypothetical, we’ve have many major wrecks just outside the gates of the plant.

    Insurance drives a very large part of that answer.

    Still doesn’t change the fact that the actions of the guard look very callous on the video. But video doesn’t always show everything.

  5. In this day and age, I am not taking action to help out someone I am not personally related to. I do not care how horrific the attack is, if it does not involve immediate danger to life or limb for myself or someone I have a responsibility to protect, I am hands off.

    Sorry. Even if I am 100% in the right taking action, the social justice mob will destroy me. My mission is to get home to my family, not to ensure a stranger can do the same. Until society stops this BS, good people will back off and let evil people rampage.

  6. Is anyone else wondering where all the White Nationalists committing anti-asian and anti-semitic hate crimes are getting such wonderful tans?

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