This year, it seemed like Pride was everywhere.

It’s been growing more and more the last few years, but this year it seemed different.  More over-the-top than ever.

Maybe it was Budweiser doing the full gamut of pride flag cups or Oreo doing a range of pick your pronoun cookies.

Maybe it was because it was the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, which has undergone just as much history revision at the hands of Progressives as Thomas Jefferson or the Besty Ross flag, only in the other direction.  We have collectively be told to forget that the Mafia ran the gay bar scene in New York City.  Not just did these bars serve the gay community, they were also places for prostitution and drug trafficking, because the mob was very good at paying off the cops to look the other way.

Maybe it’s all of the above, but I was having a hard time putting my finger on it.

I mean, you’re here, you’re queer, we’re used to it.

Then I had a though.  Please allow me to don my tinfoil hat.

Three books that I remember reading as a student were George Orwell’s 1984, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451.  Each book described what the author felt was the model for which a tyrannical government would take over and passivate society.  Each book has its merits, but in each book, there was a character that saw through the governments’ charade to the truth beneath.

If one were so inclined to used those three books as a How To guide instead of a warning, one might come to the conclusion that a single model of tyranny doesn’t work.  Borrowing from all three models might.

I think the Venn Diagram, below, borrowed from the internet is probably accurate:

There is a great webcomic that compares George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.

There is one pannel from that comic that got me thinking.

I mentioned before that I believe 100% that the push by the Democrats to legalize marijuana and in some places, psychotropic mushrooms, is nothing more than Soma straight out of Brave New World.  The far Left has ruined every economy it has ever touched.  Rather than solve economic issues, the far Left would legalize every mind numbing substance the people chose to anesthetize themselves with so that they are unlikely to ever fight back.  When rampant drug use and poverty does lead to violence, it stays in poor communities.  It’s not like the gangs on the South Side of Chicago are robbing and shooting the Democrat elite that run the city.

Instead of panem et circenses it’s EBT and Cannabis.  Same principle, different substance.

So what does this have to do with Pride.

One of the things I saw this year, more than in previous years is the paraphilas  that got lumped in with LBGT.  Puppy Play and Horse Play made a showing, flags and all.  There was a video that was celebrated of a drag kid pantomiming doing ketamine in a club, the same drag kid that danced in a club while adults threw money at him.  There was even some debate if leather and kink should be added to the alphabet soup of LGBT+.

Then there is the push to legalize and destigmatize sex work.  This is something that the LGBT community has that overlaps with the radical feminist Slut Walks, in which women are encouraged to be proud to be sluts.

What does dressing up like an animal for sexual gratification, getting dangerously close to pedophilia, or allow prostitutes to roam our streets have to do with the right of two men to get a slip of paper from the government to file their taxes jointly?

I’m don’t know, but if I assume the Huxley model of control through the infliction of pleasure, this is what I have come up with.

Sexual freedom as an ersatz civil liberty.

Speech codes on college campuses, deplatforming, demonetizing on YouTube, shadow bans, Facebook jail, Twitter suspensions, Google manipulating search algorithms, are all forms of a restriction on freedom of speech.

The Left has gone in whole hog (or Hogg) on calling for gun bans.

If you have the wrong views you can be harassed out of the public square, driven out of your favorite restaurant, and be fired from your job.

The Green New Deal will take your car, limit your ability to travel, and even control the temperature you set your AC.

BUT in the Progressive paradise where you can’t say or think freely and where everything you are allowed to buy is mandated or rationed, you can have all the kinky sex you want.

That is the other anesthesia the Left is going to push onto the masses, judgemental free sex.

This is in stark contrast to what has traditionally been the model of Conservatism, with civil liberties in most areas but favoring strong sexual morality.

The far Left doesn’t really care about gay rights any more than it cares about anybody else’s rights, which is to say not at all.

It is simply a matter of social control.

You will be made into a drone of the state, a cog in the Green Leap Forward, lining the pockets of the Progressive elite, with all of your important rights taken from you.

But you can fill your body with whatever mood altering substances you want and rub your genitals against whatever you want, and that should be enough to pacify you enough to keep you from rebelling.

So instead of panem et circenses it’s EBT, Cannabis, and whores.

Maybe I’m crazy, but it all fits together too well.



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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Brave New World and the rise of Pride”
  1. Stop me if I’m wrong, but in addition to “Pride” expanding to include more and more “kinks” (using the term very loosely, to encapsulate all non-traditional or “non-vanilla” lifestyles), the time period devoted to it is also expanding.

    IIRC, a decade ago it was “Pride Week”, being the second full week in June.

    Now, it’s “Pride Month”, being the whole of June.

    (“Black History Month” did this, too. It used to be February. Now it’s February AND October.)

    In 1984, the big festival for the year was Hate Week. We’re seeing the beginnings of that now, except that it’s “Pride” people hating on people who take pride in their traditional lifestyles. How long before it’s Hate Month? (And then Hate Month expands to both June and December?)

    But Huxley does have a point: You don’t need to leverage the punitive arms of Big Government to pacify the population if you just destigmatize and legitimize their own questionable proclivities. Do that, and they’ll pacify themselves even more effectively than an army of jack-booted government enforcers.

    Or, like the mother said in the movie God’s Not Dead: “Sometimes the devil allows people to live a life free of trouble because he doesn’t want them turning to God. Their sin is like a jail cell, except it is all nice and comfy and there doesn’t seem to be any reason to leave. The door’s wide open. Till one day, time runs out, and the cell door slams shut, and suddenly it’s too late.”

  2. Pretty simple really.

    The left pushes the pleasure thing, because drugs (and sex) are a way the government can control the masses.
    On the other hand, they are also pushing for gun bans, because private citizens owning guns are a way for the masses to control the government.

  3. Notice how all the “gun ban” talk seems to fall on deaf ears? The one greatest result of Trumpy winnin- it showed America who the dems really are and more and more are turning away from it. If its sick twisted and vial you can bet it has a D after its name. Its comin apart,look at epstien, and the media is trying to tie him to Trump. How sick is that??

  4. That is… a sound theory. Like, scary sound.

    The Chinese were right. We live in interesting times.

  5. To build on your post and the comments, look at the future wedding of Big Government and Big Tech with the Implementation of a Chinese style Social Credit System. Big Brother will know all and see all; and it will be happy to use your weaknesses against you.

    You do something wrong? Maybe do something kinky and it turns out bad? Bad drug reaction? Maybe it isn’t you, but a loved one? Congratulations you will be recruited as a snitch for the Government Bureau of Investigation.

    Don’t forget the appetites of the elite. When they have total power they will be corrupted by it, absolutely. You thought Governor Clinton was bad? Read up on Lavrenti Beria, Uday and Quasay Hussein. Imagine the appetites of Jeffrey Epstein or Harvey Weinstein given free reign and millions of drug addled parents unable to object. Quiet Peasants!

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