

Important note for the people of Wausau, WI.

This is a Nerf Gun:
This is a real gun:

“They did scare a number of people in the area,” said Captain Ben Bliven of the Wausau Police Dept.

Six students, all seniors, were cited for disorderly conduct.

“Our dispatch said there were three people with firearms,” said Bliven. “So we had to respond appropriately. We wanted to do everything as safe as possible for us and for the citizens in the area.”
Wausau West seniors face consequences from nerf guns.

There are several locations in the US where the US where you can find The Fountain of Stupid. This must be one of them.

Guns and good looks: Fashion at NRA Convention 2014

NGVAC puke

Local network editor Cori Faklaris and arts reporter Michael Anthony Adams were tasked with a special assignment for this week’s National Rifle Association convention: capture some of the fashion and other interesting sights that are part of the massive event’s offbeat buzz.

via Guns and good looks: Fashion at NRA Convention 2014.

NGVAC suffers from a massive dose of ideological hemorrhoids when it comes to the gun culture. I thought the article itself was pretty nice with the writers apparently enjoying what they saw. Not so with the followers of  NGVAC:

Lonnie H. Billard This is a combination of frightening and disgusting.

National Gun Victims Action Council – “A Force for Sane Gun Laws” Yes I don’t even want to be on the same planet as these people

Michael Alalof You have to look good waiting for the “black helicopters” to come and take your guns away.

Tony Fielding Cause nothing says Fashionable Patriot like a bunch of murderers draped in flags and camo!!!!!

Mary Ellen Niemi ITS NOT FUNNY

So much hate. It saddens me to see people like that….OK, maybe not. Such confounded souls are bound to have high blood pressure and they will select themselves out of this life on their own.

Illegal Guns from my Own Backyard? Unimpossible!

Almost half the illegal guns seized and traced in Boston last year came back to manufacturers and dealers in Massachusetts, a startlingly high ratio for a state known for its tough gun laws.

In 2013, Boston police seized 509 handguns, some used in homicides, others simply possessed illegally. Of those guns, police were able to trace 326 to their original point of retail sale. Forty-six percent of them were originally purchased legally in Massachusetts, said Anthony Braga, a senior fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government who analyzed the data for the Boston Police Department.

“The part that is concerning to me is that we have really good gun laws here,” Braga told police and city officials from across New England gathered at Roxbury Community College Thursday. “I don’t know if it’s a temporary blip or a trend, but it’s something that needs to be understood.”

via More illegal guns traced to Mass., despite tough laws – Metro – The Boston Globe.

What needs to be understood? That the infamous Iron Pipeline of Gun Trafficking is another in a long line of BS created by the Gun Control Lobby and dutifully consumed by the Usual Fools?

Hat Tip: 

Another thing Gun Control Activists have in common is…

(Pics from the Moms Demand “concentration” in Indianapolis.)

Birkenstock  1

And this gentleman was driving the truck belonging to the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, subsidiary of the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence.
Birkenstock  2

And I  know I should not criticize fashion styles since the upcoming Second Amendment Youngins might be into it but pork pie hats? It is my belief that unless you are a proven Bluesman, you are unlikely to get away with wearing one. As far as I know, only one non-Blues person got managed and that was back in the 70s.

Gene Hackman as Popeye Doyle in The French Connection.

Back to the sandals: They are not the best footwear for self-defense as they are easy to get out of whack and not provide you with a stable shooting platform.



The Evil Princess and I took a pleasant spring day walk from the NRA meeting at the convention center in Indianapolis to the Veterans Park, where the Bloomberg-financed Everytown crew was holding forth.  How ironic that they would speak for diminution of gun owners’ civil rights in the shadow of a monument to those who died fighting for those rights…

via Massad Ayoob » Blog Archive » “GUNS FOR PRIVILEGED WE, NOT PEASANT THEE”.

And that was one detail that escaped me. Well done Mas.

Mom Shannon Watts Demands Armed Private Security. You must remain unarmed. UPDATED

Post Updated with new photos

Earlier today, I was informed by Gail Pepin, (A.K.A. The Evil Princess)  who stopped by the Moms Soiree being held well away from the Indiana Convention Center, that Main Moms Demand, Shannon Watts appeared to be escorted by what could be called “MIB-type” individuals. and promised to email the pics as soon as the day’s celebrations were over.

A fast initial confirmation came through a video posted by The Blaze in which Dana Loesch confronts Shannon Watts about her remarks that she was a paid mouthpiece for the Gun Industry in general and Magpul Enterprises in particular.

In the background, Loesch’s producer can be heard accusing Watts’ security of being “physical” and Loesch told TheBlaze they were bumping her out of the way. The full video includes Loesch saying her attempted interview was in response to a media request by Watts’ PR firm.

via Watch What Happens When Dana Loesch Confronts One of Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun Partners | Video | TheBlaze.com.

The following are screen caps of the MIB-Type men with Shannon Watts. Somehow I don’t think they are personal chiropractors or Life Coaches.

Moms Demand Shannon Watss Bodyguards

Moms Demand Shannon Watss Bodyguards 2


Another picture appeared via Twitter, courtesy of Tony Katz .

Moms Demand Shannon Watss Bodyguards 3


Later, the pics from Gail arrived and boy! They are interesting as heck. Click on them to enlarge.

First, this is what the paid crowd of alleged 300 Moms Demand looked like:

And then I think Elvis was spotted. I guess he is actually alive and doing Personal Protection:

And then, MIB Security Inc.

Walking perimeter


Dana Loesch twitted:

Moms Demand Bodyguard Dana Loesch

And she hits it right in the chin: They feel themselves above us. They are elites and we are the little people. They deserve to be protected with guns and we deserve whatever crumbs they deemed fit and enough even if it kills us.

But they are cowards. They run away when confronted instead of taking a stand (a favorite talking point of Moms Demand) and defending their beliefs. They hate us because we do take a stand, we prepare and we believe that Bill of Rights is a great document that enumerates the Rights that will allow us to fight against the Elites she represents.

But one word does represent the true nature of Shannon Watts: Hypocrite.

UPDATE 2: Erika Soto Lamb, director of communications for Everytown confirms that they had Armed Security at the event.  Blames us and yet fail to see the irony of people with guns being the best defense.
Moms Demand Erika Soto Lamb NRA AM confirmsHat Tip to Guns Save Lives.