

Florida: How are we doing with new Gun Bills.

To the dismay of Gun Control Cultists, we are doing not bad at all.  We have four bills on the way to the Governor’s desk so far:

HB-89 Threat of Force
SB-424 Insurance Discrimination Prohibition
HB-7029 Zero Tolerance/Pop Tart Bill
HB-523 CW Applications/Tax Collectors
HB-525 Public Records Exemption/CW License Holders Information

Still stuck in the Senate is the version of HB-209 Firearms/Mandatory Evacuation which comes up for vote next week.

Next week also ends the legislature session so we are pretty much done for this year. All Gun Control bills died in the committees, no matter how much Bloomberg money they had behind them.

So what’s next? First, start addressing the Governor to sign all the bills. The start preparing for next year to get some common sense stuff passed:

Knives: Amazingly and unbeknownst to me, we do not have knife pre-emption laws in Florida. Yes, our CWP allows us to carry just about everything, but localities can and have passed regulations that can get you in trouble. Miami-Dade pretty much bans any type of knife and has a particular hate for Bowie-type and assisted knives.  Florida Carry is gonna tackle this thing and we should join Knife Rights also who are doing a great job consolidating knife rights across the nation.

Campus Carry: With the reduction of Gun Free Zones in Florida, common criminals are seeking those  places that remain as pristine crime zones like College Campuses. A  Miami-Dade College music teacher was beaten severely inside the school’s parking garage and that is only one of the events we rarely hear but do happen but do not get the media time or are simply not reported.

Open Carry: Sometimes I think this is the unicorn of Florida Gun Rights. The fight continues and if Illinois was finally forced to accept Concealed Carry, we should not despair about getting OC eventually becoming the law of the land. And No, I won’t OC but will support it wholeheartedly.


The useless use of Background Checks

But hey, let’s compromise.  It’s all about the compromise.  How bout background checks OR the presentation of a valid CCW?  A CCW holder has had the background check already, so, no need.  And you can show that in a private sale and leave the poor overburdened gov’t alone.  Or, when you get a background check it’s good for a 3 months anywhere.  Another shop, a gunshow, a private seller.  You’ve gone 30 years without a conviction, what are the chances you caught a charge in the last month?

via New Jovian Thunderbolt: Anti Gun Associates.

Click here to read the 2010 ATF report. Almost 78,000 false denials in the post Heller/McDonald era is a clear violation of Constitutional rights….and they know it.

Everytown For Gun Safety: Claiming defeat before engaging in battle.

When Michael Bloomberg announced he would spend $50 million on gun control this year, he said he hoped to make the National Rifle Association “afraid.” This weekend, the Bloomberg-backed group Everytown for Gun Safety will help pay to send hundreds of anti-gun violence supporters to the NRA’s annual convention in Indianapolis.

via Bloomberg Group Sends Hundreds Of Gun Reform Activists To NRA Convention.

That’s all you need to know. They are not and never were grassroots. They are making a big show of having to pay for their activists to travel to the NRA Annual Meeting to “face off” tens of thousands of people who paid for their own travel & expenses.  And that it is happening on Shannon Watt’s backyard is even more humiliating.

It is hard to win a war when using mercenaries.

Tolerance? Nowhere to be found with this kind of people. (Language warning)

My dislike to idiots misusing Open Carry just to be assholes and Internet sub-celebrities is well established.  Even so, I joined Open Carry Texas (OCT) Facebook page because they are doing it right and pissing the right people off forcing them to show their colors like the case I am about to show:


courtney c 1a
Bottom post is first


And then she does a stylish move:

courtney c 2

Ain’t she a bundle of open love and tolerance for her fellow human beings? And I won’t even comment of the misuse of 911.

And who is Courtney C?
courtney c 1I had to look up Misandrist and according to Webster’s is somebody who hates Men.  She may have her reasons and God Bless her for that. But let’s continue…

courtney c 3


OCT replies and she reaches for American Libtards Favorite Punch Toy:
courtney c 4But I thought she hated men….or she has special hate for men depending on the color of their skin? wouldn’t that make her a Racist Misandrist?

This is a pic I stole from OCT:

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

I might be seeing things, but I see White, Black, Latino and Asian in the photograph. But wait, it gets better:

courtney c 6

Again I had to dip into OCT’s Facebook photos to locate the offending flag and found two of them:

courtney c   OCT flags 1

courtney c   OCT flags 2

I actually see the red one as a stylized version of the flag of Norway rather than the Rebel Flag.

Courtney C. hit every branch of the Gun Control Clichés’ Tree on her way to the Ground of Stupidity and I admit it was fun to watch. The more people like her spout their opinions of us, the better we look and the Second Amendment moves forward.

So basically, Thank You Courtney C!

How do they breathe without instructions?

Saw this from our friends at the National Gun Victims Action Council:
ngvac georgia 1

Fits are being thrown all over the anti-gun interwebs about this new law signed today by Gov.Nathan Deal today.  Comments on different media sites and Social Media are full with the old promises of blood on the churches and shootouts at bars, etc. But there was one that took the bakery:

ngvac georgia 2

You live in Florida (and he does, I checked his profile) and you are afraid of Georgia Gun Laws that mirror pretty much the laws where you live?

Some people are just encapsulated cupcakes wrapped in a rainbow of idiocy .