Elizabeth Warren did a primary campaign town hall in Mississippi.  While she was there, she advocated for a national vote and ending the electoral college.

She came to Alabama today to do the exact same thing.

Last time I checked, Mississippi had six electoral college votes.  Take those away and absolutely nobody will give a shit about Mississippi.

Alabama has nine electoral college votes, Trump came to Alabama in the general election, Hillary did not.

The only reason Warren and the rest of the Democrats are trying to end the electoral college is so that they never have to set foot in a Flyover state ever again.

What Warren is really saying is “Let me abolish the electoral college so I never have to pander to you podunk fuckers ever again.”

Warren is not alone in wanting to end the electoral college, that talking point is now universal among Democrat candidates.

CNN doubled down on it with this mendacious bit of fake news.

It’s not just the electoral college under attack.  The other major Democrat talking point has been packing the Supreme Court.

Faithful readers will remember how much we covered after the 2018 election, all the bellyaching on the Left how unfair it was that New York, California, and a few other Blue states have so many people but so few Senators and the Senate being “undemocratic” was a threat to the United States.

These ideas are all linked together.

The point is to set up a system in which the Pacific Coast, Acela Corridor, and (Florida) Gold Coast pick the President, the Senate, and Supreme Court and everyone who lives in a state that doesn’t touch salt water is essentially a subject of the New Yorkifornia Megaopoli.

Essentially the cursed earth in between Mega City 1 and Mega City 2.

I’m just curious if the Democrats have considered that not everyone in flyover America actually wants to hand over their rights and ability to participate in the governance of the nation to the coastal bubbles?

Let’s say that the Democrats get exactly everything that they want, do they expect the 100 million people who find themselves with what amounts to no representation to just accept it and follow along?

Would anybody like to enlighten me as to what the Democrats think will happen if they win it all?

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Does Warren want the South to rise again?”
  1. Let’s see…. without representation….. I may have heard that before…… Worked itself out fairly well last time.

  2. It all comes down to too many liberal progressive people in the big cities on the coasts.

    There are several different solutions for that problem available.

    How about doing divorce?

  3. Well, the communists are lamenting that the Senate doesn’t belong to them because they have SO MUCH of the population. Well, the House of Representatives is apportioned by census so it would be stupid to do the same
    to the Senate. So let’s do it by SIZE! That way, Alaska would get 17 Senators, Texas 7 Calipornia 4, New York 1, Maines, vt, ri,ct, nh and ma 1 and so on. That would make a lot more sense.

  4. Well, the communists are lamenting that the Senate doesn’t belong to them because they have SO MUCH of the population. Well, the House of Representatives is apportioned by census so it would be stupid to do the same
    to the Senate. So let’s do it by SIZE! That way, Alaska would get 17 Senators, Texas 7 Calipornia 4, New York 1, Maines, vt, ct, nh and ma 1 and so on. That would make a lot more sense.

  5. JKB,

    There have been some funny, slightly tongue-in-cheek comments about this issue recently. All good comments, and like all good satire, they have a kernel or two of truth.

    But, for balance, I would like to propose a theory of why the leftists are spouting nonsense and acting crazy.

    Based on the written word alone, I would wager that you and Miguel and most of the commenters of this wonderful blog are very capable of rational thought.

    You take in information, verify it’s truthfulness as much as possible, do research, extrapolate, apply a dose of skepticism, apply logic, and, if possible, use the scientific method, and finally reach a tentative conclusion. If further facts are unearthed that cast doubt on your tentative conclusions, you don’t mind amending them or even throwing them out and starting over.

    The leftists, as we know, don’t do any of those things. Why?

    I think that some people, for whatever reason, are unwilling to face facts when the facts oppose their worldview. Furthermore, I would say that, having invested time and energy building this bogus worldview in their brains, and advertised to their peers that they, too, have the “correct” mode of thought and worldview, these people are not only unwilling to change their minds when confronted with the truth, but they are actually *incapable* of rational thought on this subject.

    Now it might be that they are lazy thinkers, or perhaps they are somewhat dim-witted.

    However, it is possible that, in many or even most cases, these otherwise intelligent, rational people are so invested in the “politically correct” worldview that they are *mentally roadblocked* and cannot see the logic and truth in front of them.

    I have had discussions with some people like this in my long life, and, if this has happened to you, you know that this state of affairs is enormously frustrating. You can lay out A + B = C, in the most basic terms, and they won’t believe you.

    BUT…what about the leaders that spout this nonsense? Are they, too, fooled? I would venture to guess that some or perhaps even most of them are true believers. But the insidiousness of this attack on our Constitution and Bill of Rights leads me to believe that it is carefully planned and coordinated, and the rest of the leftists are, as you call them, “useful idiots.”

  6. “Would anybody like to enlighten me as to what the Democrats think will happen if they win it all?”

    OK, you asked a question, I have a theory…

    They do not think anything will happen. Yes, they actually think the disenfranchised people will just shrug their shoulders and go along with whatever the majority wants.

    The real question is… Why do they think that way?

    Hang on. Not so fast, let’s table that question for a paragraph or two. Let’s take a look at some recent events.

    NY State raises taxes to an untenable level, then acts surprised when people move to Florida.
    NYC fights against giving Amazon some incentives to set up shop in Long Island City, then acts surprised when the company says they will go somewhere else.
    Leftists say they want to severely restrict guns, and they act surprised that gun sales go up.
    They pass a sweeping law the imposes thousands of pages of regulations on the medical and healthcare industry, then cannot comprehend that costs go up.
    They use the nuclear option to get one President’s nominees confirmed, but cannot understand that the opposition party might do the same thing. (Actually, the thought that they may lose the majority in the Senate never crossed their mind.)

    What is the common thread in all of that?

    They do not understand that actions (and lack of action) has consequences because they have never had to suffer from such consequences. Their entire life has been relatively consequence free, and they cannot comprehend that there is more than one possible outcome, and some of those outcomes could be bad.

    The average leftist these days is the product of the 90s (some 80s), the 2000s, etc… I came to age in the 80s, and a lot of the kids I knew had it easy. For example, my parents never punished me if I did not get good grades, just as long as I tried my best. Apparently, getting anything lower than a B+ meant I did not try my best. But, I had friends whose parents would march down to the school and demand their little genius get their grade changed. Same with other things. If my car needed repairing, I had to pay for it. Some of my friends were given cars, and when they wrecked them, they were given another car. There are literally thousands of examples I can cite, but the point is the “precious snowflake” generation really started about 40 years ago, likely 60 years ago.

    Flash forward to today.

    What do the leftist think will happen if they abolish the electoral college and they change the Senate to a population representative body, not a State representative one?
    They think the US population will universally cheer the decision.

    Any thought otherwise never crossed their mind.

    Forethought, planning, preparing for contingencies. These are all things that people do when they have failed in their endeavors, and they have had to suffer the consequences. When you have to pay money out of your pocket, or walk five miles to get home after a breakdown, or whatever, you learn to ask “what if…?” questions. What if it does not work out they way I think? What could go wrong? Those are questions asked by people who have failed, and learned from those failures.

    These leftists pushing to eradicate the electoral college have led charmed lives. Warren, AOC, Sanders, from what I can tell, have never had to suffer the consequences of their actions. Obama certainly never did. All claims that they had to fight to get ahead are fiction, and those stories fall apart when examined. Yet, they hold powerful, prestigious positions, without a sufficient number of losses.

    And, the law of unintended consequences applies, whether you believe it or not.

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