I guess they finally understand the need of normalcy, even their version. Some have chose to maintain their mask use for their reasons and one in particular was funny.
I would have to say that is a pretty much valid reason for a lot of people out there. 😀
From Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman and Howe?
AKA Yes.
I’m sure that he would look better in a burhka. When do they become mandatory in England?
There’s still very little intelligent life in Britain. Consider how Boris Johnson rolled over when he was attacked for not going into quarantine after coming in contact with a positive test case — which is silly given that he’s already had the CCP flu.
In the various discussions of people testing positive, and the bad consequences of those test results like being taken off the NY Yankees team, or an Olympic team, I never hear any one raising the question “but how do you know this isn’t a false positive?” Those tests, like every test, have a non-zero false positive rate. But apparently they are treated as the Word from G-d; why?
Pkoning:. Simply spiraling here: because they’re idiots?
I suppose that would explain it. But given how much national pride is involved in the Olympics, and how much money in professional sports, I’m still surprised that there hasn’t been even the slightest trace of pushback. Can it really be that not a single person in all those organizations is aware of the error rate of medical tests?
They just don’t care. Control of all people, Uber alles.