I read a book a number of years ago by Philip Roth called The Plot Against America.

HBO has turned it into a Mini-Series:

The book is an alternative history in which Charles Lindbergh runs against FDR in the 1940 election and wins, and causes the United States to form an alliance with Nazi Germany instead of England in WWII.

The US stays out of the war and domestically, Lindbergh embarks on a number of anti-Semitic programs, like dispersing Jews out of Jewish communities in major cities to rural America, sending Jewish children to be educated as non-Jews in government boarding schools, and closing Jewish owned businesses.

The book is suspenseful for most of it, but towards the end, it breaks down and has sort of a deus ex machina ending that was somewhat disappointing.

There are some historical accuracies in the book.  Lindbergh was a raging anti-Semite and there were people who wanted him to run for office on his fame and notoriety.   Lindbergh was also an advocate for American isolationism during WWII and for siding with Hitler over Churchill.

A policy of forcing children to be taken from their families and reeducated in government boarding schools was practiced in the US.  The history of the Indian Residential Schools in the US is horrific.  The goal of the schools was to “assimilate” Native American children, so they were forbidden from practicing their traditions, religion, or even speaking native languages.  The explicit goal was to “kill the Indian in him, and save the man.”

The Indian residency Schools were administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, which was created by John C. Calhoun, who was a strong advocate for slavery and vice president under the first Democrat president and leader of the Trail of Tears, Andrew Jackson.

(If you find a really racist piece of American history, all you have to do is scratch the surface and you will find Democrats at the heart of it, without fail, since 1824.)

The book makes FDR out to be better than he is.  In the long Democrat tradition of anti-Semitism, FDR hated the Jews, denied Jews fleeing Nazi Germany refugee status in the US, and went so far as to start on a plan to relocate Holocaust survivors and American Jews to the Amazon or Madagascar.

Also, Charles Lindbergh was a life-long Democrat.

When I first saw the trailer on YouTube, when the algorithm got me, I was excited.

Then I saw an interview with the screenwriter who adapted the novel for the mini-series.

Yep, they are turning it into an allegory about Trump.  Except, somehow Trump is worse than Lindbergh, for reasons.

This bears nothing like reality for Jews.

It is the Democrats, lead by Ilhan Omar, Rashit Tlaib who are saying Jews have dual loyalty.  It’s the Democrats who back BDS.  It’s the Democrats who say the Jews are making Iran into America’s enemy and causing problems by challenging the Iran deal.  It’s the Democrats who wear shirts suggesting Jewish genocide.  It’s Democrats who have abject Jew-haters like Linda Sarsour and Louis Farrakhan as surrogates and speakers.  It’s the Democrats who take pictures with terrorist supporters who advocate for and justify the murder of Jewish children.  It’s the Democrats who have Al Sharpton, who instigated the only two American Pogroms in Crown Heights and at Freddy’s Fashion Mart as a king-maker.  It was the Democrats to created the Ku Klux Klan.

But sure… the guy with Jewish grandchildren is the next Charles Lindbergh.

One part of me wants to see this because I liked the book.

Another part of me knows that this is such a disinformation campaign that I won’t be able to stomach it.

I swear to God, American Jews are going to be marched into gas chambers by card-carrying DNC volunteers to the mantra of “but Orange Man bad.”

DNC operative: “You see Jew, it’s Donald Trump’s fault that I have to gas you with Zyklon B.  And because Israel and Netanyahu killed a Palestinian leader with a hellfire after Hamas launched 800 rockets into Tel Aviv, I’m going to have to have your children burned alive in a crematorium.”

American Jew: “Trump is a fascist.”

What I can say is that if I do sit down to watch this, I will be cleaning my AR’s at the same time.

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By J. Kb

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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