

Dear Young Gun Owners, do you mind a piece of advice from an old gunnie?

First: Stop showing off for the Media as they are not your friends.
Second: Would you please fucking follow the Four Rules of Gun Safety?


Fucking around with a fucking loaded rifle? Really you asymptomatic Dumb Fuck?

This is why we have assholes politicians coming after our guns. STOP HELPING THEM!

That is all.

Now that we are all suspects, we must be investigated

After the purge of the military and federal government of Trump supporters and non-Biden loyalists, the government will turn it’s sights on the rest of us.

I guess Biden will create an American Commissariat for Internal Affairs to root out all the insurrectionist threats to his Presidency.

The speed at which this government has gone Jackboot is breathtaking.

If you thought the PATRIOT Act was bad, this is going to be so much worse.

The military purge and We’re all suspects now


All white men are suspects now, says Congressman Steve Cohen, because as a demographic we overwhelmingly voted Trump.

Therefore we cannot be trusted at all to do our jobs in a Biden administration.

It’s starting with the military but it will soon extend to all federal jobs, and perhaps even federal contractors.

This is Democrat projection and the #Resistance biting them in the ass.

They encouraged people who were Clinton loyalists to sabotage the Trump administration, now they are worried Trump voters will do the same to them.

By the time this is over, anyone with a dot-gov or dot-mil email address will have had to have proven their Biden loyalty.

California to lead the country again! (Pt. 2)

Miguel’s post California to lead the country again! reminded me of this:

California COVID-19 benefits fraud could reach $9.8 billion

California may have paid out nearly $10 billion in phony coronavirus unemployment claims — more than double the previous estimate — with some of that money going to organized crime in Russia, China and other countries, according to a security firm hired to investigate the fraud.

The state has acknowledged that the department was bilked out of hundreds of millions of dollars in COVID-19 unemployment funds that went to fraudsters, including some in the name of U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Others were sent to inmates in jails and prisons, including some on California’s death row.

Law abiding Californians are on indefinite lockdown and can’t get assistance, but China, the Russian mob, Nigerian scammers, and fraudsters can get cash.

California is a state that serves the tech billionaires and criminals, everyone else gets fucked.

That is what America will become.

UK candy company gets marketing agents to have gays ruin candy and Easter

Cadbury Cream Eggs are candy, for children, sold for Easter, the holiday that celebrates the resurrection and redemption of Jesus Christ.

This is the ad that Cadbury ran:

Did we really need the sexualization of a Cream egg?

Primary consumer of Cadbury eggs: families filling Easter baskets.

Cadbury ad: gay men swapping creamy substances between them.

I’d ask if we could not pervert a children’s candy but I know the answer is “no.”

The whole point of Leftism is to destroy everything beloved by tradition.

I can’t wait until Christmas when Cadbury hires an marketing agency that thinks the best wad to sell chocolate Santas is to fellate them on TV.