Everybody Draw Mohammed Day

“Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” artist into hiding.

The stalwart members of the “religion of peace” have declared fatwa on Molly Norris who created the Everybody Draw Mohammed Day. It was such a popular thing thatit seems several idjits got their turbans twisted in a wad and now they want to help Ms Norris meet her maker.

So I have several things to say about this:

Number One:

Number Two: If you are Anwar al-Awlaki or one of his followers, find the above demotivator insulting and want to do something about it, contact me via email for the date and locations where I can be found. Please do tell me if having your remains eaten by gators is considered unclean or repulsive.

Number Three: KMA.

Everybody Draw Muhammad Day…. creator says “Never Mind!”

Molly Norris is exacting mea culpa by the gallons. On her website, she depicts herself on a caricature giving reasons and excuses plus a written statement about Everybody Draw Muhammad Day. Apparently she did not expect the cartoon to go viral and she soiled her recycled panties at the horror of offending somebody Non-Republican, Non-Tea Party or related approved-to-insult groups. Do notice that the cartoon depicts her wearing a T-shirt with a well known logo which might explain a lot. Even the L.A. Times seems to be miffed at Ms. Norris’ change of underwear. I am guessing they thougt she was related to Chuck.

Well Ms. Norris I am sorry you never expected that Everybody Draw Muhammad Day would go crazy like it did. Personally I am going to be posting my crudely photoshopped cartoon on May 20 and if anybody gets pissed about it, tough tittie said the kitty when the milk went dry.

“Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”

By now you should be aware of the controversy regarding Comedy Central and the censorship of an episode of South Park portraying Mohammed and the threats by some Islamic moron from Brooklyn named Abu Talhal und Falafel et Camel or something like that who posted in his now defunct website that “”We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them.” The site displayed picture of the corpse of Theo Van Gogh as added visual reference.

The bending over of Comedy Central was their own and the South Park producers Matt Stone and Trey Parker were not involved. Actually they sounded kind of pissed by Comedy Central’s actions and its bout of Political Correctness in a station who has no qualms on letting programs insult other religions.

So in response of these threats and Comedy Central’s sudden testicular vanishing, the “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” has been set for May 20, 2010.

This should be interesting. I can already hear the cries of racism and intolerance from CAIR and the bowel-less pundits everywhere. Heck, I might get creative myself just to see them anguish and pissed.

Hat Tip to Conservative Scalawag.