Something else spotted in the article I posted about Bryn Mawr College.

Park Science Building, Bryn Mawr College, November 9th

Some professors have even agreed to accept what they call “strike work”—conversations with friends and family about racism, diary entries, time spent watching anti-racism documentaries, and so forth—in lieu of actual course work, even in math and science programs. 

I’m reminded of how the Nazis set about to eliminate the work of Albert Einstein and other Jewish scientists as Jüdische Physik.

For what it’s worth, that’s what kept Germany from developing The Bomb.

The Soviets had a similar rejection of Western science in favor of Lysenkoism, which helped bring about one of the worst famines of the 20th Century.

Everything old is new again in 2020, and the worst ideas of the Nazis and Soviets have been given new life as “anti-racism” today.

“White man’s science” is just Woke-speak for Jüdische Physik and what will replace it is Social Justice Lysenkoism, and the result will be the lights going off, the heat and air going out, the food supply dwindling, people dying of common diseases once again, and a resurgence in the suffering, misery, and death that actual science ended a century ago.

It’s going to be a cold, dark, hungry future.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “It’s going to be a cold, dark, and hungry future”
  1. Not only did the rejection of Jüdische Physik mean that nuclear research became something of an anathema, but those Jewish scientists expelled from from Germany, Hungary, Italy, et al. went on to join the Manhattan Project.

    Remember these are the people who tell us to believe in the “Science,” as long as it agrees with the accepted political viewpoint.

  2. This is the kind of thing that makes me think we’re headed for an actual dark ages and not “just” Civil War 2.0.

    Rejection of objective experimentally verified science is a guarantee of going backwards technologically.

    1. We are heading for a new dark ages. No doubt about it.

      A major religion is busy rejecting anything that was not available in the times of its founder. Well, not everyone that follows that religion, but some of the preachers. And, that religion is migrating and taking over every country they infect.

      Add to that the lefts a.) adoration of this particular religion, and b.) belief that anything they do not like, or understand is racist, and there is no other path than a new dark ages.

  3. Just as with socialism, at some point these idiots are going run out of sane people to help keep them from starving because of their delusions.

  4. The Spengler Cycle in action. We’re currently at “soft men make for hard times”, or as RAH described it, “Bad Luck”.

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