By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Mass Shooting in Holland”
  1. If there’s a shooting in America, it’s the the fault of right wingers and the NRA.
    If there’s a shooting in another country, it’s the fault of right wingers and the NRA.
    If the person doing the shooting is an Islamist, it’s the fault of right wingers and the NRA.
    If the person doing the shooting is a leftist, it’s the fault of right wingers and the NRA.
    If the victims are Christians, it’s the fault of right wingers and the NRA.
    If the victims are Jewish, it’s the fault of right wingers and the NRA.
    If the victims are Muslim, it’s the fault of right wingers and the NRA.
    If anything bad happens at all, it’s the fault of right wingers and the NRA.

    I think I just about covered it. Some variation of these will be Tweeted by prominent Democrats.

  2. She Guevara needs go to jail, like Kankles Clinton. Full stop.
    Do not pass “GO.” Do not collect $200.

    The progtard-owned MSM has yet again has conveniently ignored the crimes of these 2 (plus many more) traitorous DemonKKKrats in favor of sensationalist b.s. from overseas that is of less importance to us than what’s happening within our borders.

    Color me surprised. :-/

  3. Latest news is that the main suspect has been arrested (and there’s a second person in custody, details not known). It may turn out that the motive was domestic violence; apparently the suspect has a criminal record and a pending rape charge.

  4. “Turkish ‘terror’ suspect is arrested after ‘shooting a relative on Dutch tram *for family reasons* and then firing at anyone who tried to intervene’ killing three”

    It might have started as a *domestic dispute,* but when this retard shot 3 others just because they tried to stop him from killing another person, he pretty much became a pig-feces-slurping terrorist.

    He ain’t any better than the dbag from NZ. If it behaves like a terrorist, talks like a terrorist and looks like a terrorist, guess what?!

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