Via we find out De La Portilla will get a substantial cash contribution:
“Senator Diaz de la Portilla has worked to promote public safety for the past two years,” reads a statement issued by Everytown on Tuesday, announcing an $85,000 ad campaign to support their man in Tallahassee.“Using his position as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he declined to hear a bill that would have allowed guns on Florida’s many college campuses and another that would have allowed people to openly carry handguns in public,” says the statement. “Prior to reaching these decisions, Senator Diaz de la Portilla listened closely to concerned stakeholders – like campus security, professors and university presidents – from around the state. After careful consideration, he agreed that guns on campus would only heighten the risks already found in colleges and universities, and stopped this dangerous proposal two years in a row.”
Source: Florida Republican who killed pro-gun bills to get Bloomberg cash
If you are in this jackass’ district, vote for the Democrat as he won’t be named chairman of the Judiciary if he wins. If De La Portilla is so eager to sniff Bloomberg’s crotch, he can go a head and move to NY.

Hat tip Mark C.
If I was 2000 miles closer, I would be happy to doorknock in his district for any of his opponents.
Portilla listened closely to concerned stakeholders – like campus security, professors and university presidents –
And Mikey Bloomberg because we all know money speakes louder than words. or something like that.