Think about it: What kind of adult, other than a paranoid, a menace, or a sociopath, would even want to carry and display a lethal weapon in a public place? What remains of public safety in Florida will evaporate the day we allow the angriest and most paranoid of Florida’s citizens to wave loaded guns on our streets and in our places of education, recreation, travel, and public discourse.

Philip K. Stoddard is mayor of South Miami.

Source: ‘Open carry’ has no place in a civil society | Opinion

So, according to the mayor of South Miami, all 45 states with Open Carry must have all semblance of safety evaporated and their citizens must be paranoids, menace or sociopath. Damn, that is a nice to say about millions of people from the mayor of a city of very white, very Democrat city barely over two square miles and a population that could barely fill one-third of the Marlins Park.

And yes, he belongs to Mayors Being Arrested for Corruption, Gun Charges and Other Felonies (A.K.A. Mayors Against Illegal Guns.)

We are not surprised.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “‘Open carry’ has no place in a civil society (I say, let it be uncivil)”
  1. “What remains of public safety in Florida will evaporate the day we allow the angriest and most paranoid of Florida’s citizens to wave loaded guns on our streets and in our places of education, recreation, travel, and public discourse.”

    You mean like Minnesota which like this bill proposes, has no requirement for permit holders to conceal? Minnesota also allows carry in bars and unsecured areas of airports. And its violent crime and homicide rate is almost exactly half of Florida’s.
    I was a bit frustrated that I couldn’t comment on the articles website.

  2. “What kind of adult, other than a paranoid, a menace, or a sociopath, would even want to carry and display a lethal weapon in a public place?”

    Police come to mind… you know, those guys hired by guys like the Mayor who use the credible threat of lethal force to enforce laws and protect innocent people from predators, while legally ensuring that the citizens can’t do what they are doing.

  3. Ref no commenting: I’ve pretty much given up on all those jackwagons. Who gets “news” from duh medya,. Anyhow?

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