Those who forget history get a radical haircut,


I love they way they do not know or ignore that those who were in the revolution also got chopped. Just ask Robespierre, one of the leaders of the French Revolution.

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre waiting for the guillotine to be ready for his neck.

And, they also ignore that the ultimate outcome of the Revolution was not an egalitarian society where everybody was equal and happy, but the raise to power and eventual crowning to emperor of one Napoleon Bonaparte.

Seriously, we need to rescue public education and revert to the classics.

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Layers and layers of editorial oversight: Peaceful Clash?

No violence anywhere. There were a couple of overly theatrical individuals expressing angry, but other than the pavement nothing and nobody was touched.

Do they know that “uneventful” doe not sell? Specially when the protest has by but a handful of people? Or was it just the weekend Intern being the overly dramatic?


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More reasons that New York sucks and Cuomo is the worst politician in America

From Governor Cuomo:

You got that right, New York is going to enforce the shit out of its continuing lockdown rules.

When it comes to looters, Cuomo backed bail reform and now that he’s bitching that looters are being let out of jail without bail, he won’t change the law and prosecutors are letting looters take a walk.

It’s worse for you to have customers at your bar spending money than it is for the people who looted your bar and wrecked the place.  All they did was steal stuff privileged enough to own a business, you violated social distancing for profit.

No wonder New Yorkers want to flee.  This is also why they shouldn’t be allowed to.  Because they will make this up-side-down insanity the norm in their newly adopted home states.


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Floridians beware: New Yorkers have figured out just how much New York sucks

From Forbes:

Start Spreading The News, New Yorkers Are Leaving Today

Armando Codina is an unhappy New Yorker. So unhappy, in fact, he created a website about it to find more like minds. Now, no longer alone, he is a very happy Floridian.

“New Yorkers used to come to Florida to buy a second home. Now they are coming down here to live,” he says.

And that is the fucking problem.

In a nutshell, New York, especially New York City has been hit by just a perfect shit storm of disasters.

High taxes, an obscene cost of living, the destruction of the George Floyd riots after the NYPD handled the rioters with kid gloves, the lockdown, the COVID death rate,  the awful policies of Cuomo and de Blasio, all the news from New York shows that it’s just a shithole.  An expensive shithole.

Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, on the other hand, no riots, low COVID deaths, low taxes, and compared to NYC, a lower cost of living.

But we all know that the New Yorkers who move to South Florida to get away from the filthy, expensive, shithole of NYC are going to vote for the exact same bullshit that made them flee NYC in the first place.

Not to mention that New Yorkers have burned up all the good will they had since 9/11.

If Floridians barricaded I-95 and the border and had vigilante squads checking IDs and beating up New Yorkers trying to enter the state, I wouldn’t be surprised.

Frankly, I don’t think anybody else wants New Yorkers to move to their state either.

I think it is about time to go all John Carpenter on New York and just build a containment wall around the city and never let anyone out.


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“Peaceful” protesters in Atlanta burn a Wendy’s, block fire truck and attack CNN crew.

I understand why the Fire truck stopped. Fire Stations are wide open to attack and the firemen cannot defend themselves.

And I admit freely that I am savoring a nice cup of Schadenfreude at the misery of the CNN crew and loss of equipment the company suffered. The Media has had no problem stoking the fires, but they feel they will be spared of the collective burn.

And it is specially stupid from CNN after the warning the had not too long ago:


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