Another explainer about the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. More references, more better. Mexico and the blood vultures are so eager to find their way around the PLCAA.
(2000 words)

The Sandy Hook people got away with it because they sued Remington for violating a law about advertising, not guns, gun sales, etc… The PLCAA has nothing to do with it. Granted, it “sort of” applied because of the advertised product, but in reality, the entire lawsuit was outside of the PLCAA.

No, they got away with it because the Connecticut Supreme Court didn’t want to follow the constitution nor congress.

15 U.S.C. §7903: The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act

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TN Gun Bills 2024: SB 1927 & SB 1966.

I am way behind with what is being “offered” in our legislature in terms of Gun Legislation and so far, it is not good news.

Let’s begin with SB 1927 by Senator Raumesh Akbari (D):

As introduced, permits the largest municipality in Shelby, Davidson, Knox, or Hamilton county to regulate the manner of storage of firearms, firearm ammunition, and firearm accessories by ordinance, resolution, policy, rule, or other enactment. –

In other words, it is the elimination of State Preemption of gun laws. You know they will go draconian and demand guns to be locked and disassembled before being put inside a double combination safe or some stupid stuff like that or demanding that you could only have 50 rounds of ammunition stashed in a vault at a local gun club or gun store. And yes, this would run head on against Heller, but that will take time and money and the antis get to claim victory.

Next is SB 1966 by Senator Jeff Yarbro (D):

As introduced, creates the Tennessee Do Not Sell List; requires the Tennessee bureau of investigation to develop and launch a secure internet-based platform to allow any person in the United States to register to add the person’s own name to the Tennessee Do Not Sell List by January 1, 2025

I have read a bit about individuals with personal issues willingly depositing their firearms with a trusted third party and even volunteering the state to have their names added to a no-sell list and I have no initial issues with it.  But a website to add names to a No Sell list? The probability of being misused by activists or pissed off spouses or anybody with a grudge against somebody is just too big. And that is truly the goal here: Not to save lives but to make it miserable for the common folk.


More to come.



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On spineless Republicans

On my previous political post, How Republicans win, reader Elrod posted this:

“The more Republicans do Republican things, the more Republicans win elections.”

Absolutely. Now all we need is actual Republicans, preferably with factory-installed large-diameter spines, to replace the fake Republicans we seem to be stuck with everywhere.

Let me explain where the spinelessness comes from.

Here’s the game.

Career politicians want to get rich.

You get rich through book deals, speaking fees, IPOs, lobbying gigs, board memberships, etc.

Those corporate boards, publishers, banks, the booking agencies for the speaking tours, are all controlled by the Left.

The country club boards and college admissions boards are owned by the Left.

If you want to cash out, you have to be nice to the Left.

If you want to get membership to the nice country club or have your kid admitted to the best college, you have to be nice to the Left.

Republicans that do Republican things don’t cash out nearly as much.

The advantage Trump had is that he already was a billionaire with his own country clubs.

He couldn’t be bribed.

The problem was that Trump could be flattered.

If you want a Republican who will be a Republican, you need someone who isn’t susceptible to bribery or flattery.

That’s a hard man (or woman) to find.

My problem in politics is that I’m a raging fucking psychopath.

What I want is to punish my enemies.

I don’t want a mansion and millions, I want to drop JDAMs on hedgefund managers who outsource jobs to China.

They’ll never let me be President.



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Patch processing issues

It’s come to my attention that there are some outstanding patch orders that need to be shipped.


From the bottom of my heart, I apologize for the delay.

I’ve gotten into the habit of checking for orders on Sundays when sitting down to pay and mail all my other bills.

I’ve been using my phone because that’s where all my banking apps are.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t seeing the shopping cart with my WordPress app, so I was missing orders.

I take full responsibility for this oversight.

I promise you that all outstanding orders will be processed this weekend (I’m currently put of town, escaping the snow in Florida) and I’ll add in an extra patch as my way of saying sorry.

Again, my sincerest apologies and thank you for supporting the blog.

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The logic of gun free zone advocates


If the sign was the proper size, the violent criminal would have obeyed it.

The solution, of course, is to make the sign bigger.  Then, next time, the criminal will see it and obey it.

Works every time, 0% of the time.

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How Republicans win

In my post, Do Trumpers want to lose, reader xrayboy left this comment:

How much do you think DeSantis would accomplish in the DC swamp versus Tallahassee. Comparing accomplishments in Florida to getting something done in DC is an apples to oranges thing.

I’ll answer.

Democrats don’t win elections, Republicans lose them.

People need motivation to vote Republican.

Hating the Democrat has been shown time and time again not to be a sufficient motivating factor.

Republicans in large numbers and independents do not go and vote for useless do-nothing Republicans.

When Republicans accomplish Republican victories, Republicans and independents vote for Republicans.

We’re fair weather fans, we support our team when we win.

DeSantis increased the size of the Republican majority in the Florida legislature and the number of Republican voters by getting victories.

The more Republicans do Republican things, the more Republicans win elections.

Trump had shit leadership in DC.

He was terrible at rallying legislators to his side.

DeSantis would have started weak, but if he could accomplish some victories, doing what he did in Florida, it would snowball into gaining a majority in the legislature and accomplishing more things.

Trump was a boss but DeSantis is a true political leader, and that difference is why I think DeSantis would have been much more politically effective than Trump.

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