
“We won the election under dubious circumstances and we don’t want you to resist us the way we resisted and insulted you for the last four years.  We are making a show of offering you an olive branch so that when you do resist, we can use it as a brickbat to say how you are being unreasonable and petulant for not coming together and peacefully acquiescing to our demands.”

This is totally transparent.

Republican wins: “Resist!”

Democrat wins: “We want unity.”

I wasn’t born yesterday so I remember the anti-Bush rallies and marches during the GW Bush administration.  I remember the political cartoons and protest signs of Bush wearing a swastika and Hitler mustache and the Left saying he was a Nazi.  I remember when “dissent was the highest form of patriotism.”

I also remember when Obama won and continued and got more aggressive on Bush policies about domestic surveillance how we were expected to come together under the “great unifier.”  I remember how dissent went from the highest form of patriotism to abject treason.  It happened precisely at 12:01 PM, Tuesday, January 20th, 2009.

With Biden’s inauguration, this will be the fourth time this flip-flop has happened in my adult lifetime.

We know the olive branch is phony.



The guy with the socialist rose emoji in his Twitter handle, and “passionate Democratic Socialist” and “He/Him” in his Twitter bio.   He is going to educate us on why we are bad people for supporting Trump.


I’ve seen many replies or sentiments like this: I’ll extend the olive branch once I’m done beating these people into submission.

That’s not an olive branch.

All these people can take their olive branch and shove it up their ass.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “She can take her olive branch and shove it”
  1. They want to use that olive branch to beat us. Every time, they talk about “coming together,” “compromise on things we agree on,” or “having a conversation” they really mean we do all the compromising and come over to their side. Usually including penance for our previous sins.

    1. This is the Palestinian notion of compromise.

      Or the gun confiscator’s notion — same approach from both.

  2. And just like a child that had a tantrum and got their way, it’s all smiles an kumbaya now. This is the fourth time for me as well. It’s an ugly cycle whose time has come to end.

    There’s a word for her that’s on the tip of my tongue…short one..four letters…starts with a “c”…rhymes with hunt.

  3. What they’re carrying isn’t an olive branch, but a grape vine rod. The type Roman officers used to beat recruits into shape.

    And I suspect progressives won’t be as reluctant to apply decimation as the Romans were.

  4. THEY AINT WON YET. and I will grab the olive branch and do things you never thought possible. “Heal” ya. YOU dems are the CAUSE of the angst and every prob this Country has. 2 words- F@@& and YOU

  5. I’ll consider olive branches or whatnot after they apologize for the s*it they have been saying and doing, not only about President Trump, but about Republicans, Trump supporters, Antifa, et cetera … and make it believable.

    Until then, no. Not even sorry I’m not sorry.

    I won’t accept apologies from two-faced hypocritical liars.

  6. Wow, coming from someone who has done nothing over the last four years except cut down President Trump and anyone who so much as said a nice word about him? Let’s get together now that Biden won?

    Why is it the leftists just assume they are correct about everything? That their way of looking at the world is automatically the best way? What level of arrogant ignorance is this?

  7. “I want to extend an olive branch to Trump supporters….and then yank it w away once they reach for it, Lucille Van Pelt style.”

    Don’t thank me, Ms. Milano, I fify.

  8. Here is my little bitty small issue with the whole, let us all be a “United States” again, from Joe Biden.

    For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone scorched earth.
    You have salted the fields and now you want to grow crops.
    The problem is we have memories longer than a hamster.
    We remember the protests the day of/after inauguration.
    We remember the 4 years of personal attacks and endless name calling
    We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”
    We remember being called racist and evil.
    We remember Maxine Waters telling followers to harass Trump administration and supporters in department stores and gas stations.
    We remember the Presidents press secretary being chased out of a restaurant.
    We remember hundreds of Trump supporters being physically attacked.
    We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed, and fired from jobs.
    We remember riots, and looting.
    We remember “a comedian” holding up the President’s severed head.
    We remember a play in Central park paid with public funding, showing the killing of President Trump.
    We remember Robert de Niro yelling “Fuck Trump” at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.
    We remember Trump being accused of being a Russian spy and the media going with it.
    We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State of the Union Address.
    We remember how totally in the tank the mainstream media was in opposition.
    We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from the media.
    We remember the MSN cabal in 24/7 Hate Trump broadcasts.
    We remember the press not holding Democrats responsible for anything and hiding anything negative.
    We remember conservative voices neutered by Tech companies (Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.).
    We remember the partisan impeachment.
    We remember the President and his staff being spied on.
    We remember Republican congressmen shot on a ballfield.
    We remember every so-called comedy show turn into nothing but Trump hate fest.
    We remember 95% negative coverage in the news.
    We remember the state governors asking for and getting everything they wanted to address covid then blaming Trump.
    We remember leftists threatening outside the homes of prominent Republicans.
    We remember the attempted vile destruction of Brett Kavanaugh.
    We remember people pounding on the Supreme Court doors.
    We remember that we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.
    We remember that many in Hollywood said they would leave after Trump was elected, but they stayed anyway.
    We remember the hundreds of taxpayer funded police cars burnt during your ‘mostly peaceful’ demonstrations.
    We remember our conservative voices being cancelled on major US campuses.

    This list is endless, but you get the idea.
    My friends will be my friends, but a party that has been attacking for 4 long years does not get a free pass with me.
    So take your let’s be united BS and shove it up your ass!

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