By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “This I was not expecting to hear.”
  1. There doesn’t seem to be anything there, I hit play and nothing happens. Maybe it’s my browser and settings, though.

      1. Firefox, with the Ghostery add on. Turned off Ghostery, and it still isn’t working. Worked on my iPhone with Safari, though. Firefox has to be the culprit. The entire page actually looks different on Firefox than it does on Safari, it’s odd.

  2. You’re making me feel real old. I remember, as a kid, picking up the phone and an operator saying “Number please?” Yes, in the fifties, some places didn’t even have dial phones.

    1. “fifties” you say?
      I was a Southwestern Bell Telephone Operator for 4 years right after I graduated high school.
      We still had two small town ‘ring down’ exchanges in our area right up to the mid 70s

      1. We lived in small city in Idaho, got dial phones in the late fifties, still had a party line until we moved to a more urban area ca 1960. Got a private private line but had to pay extra and justify it to Ma Bell because Dad was a contractor for the Air Force.

  3. Not just “old rotary phones” – if your land-line phone service is up to standard, and you’re using a hardwired phone (rotary or touch-tone, but not cordless), it should work even if electrical service is out both at your house and at the central office… just as long as the phone lines are intact.
    Power for the land lines, and for phones that operate from phone-line power, is (or used to be) backed up by huge banks of 48V lead-acid batteries.

  4. Any “regular” corded phone can dial 911 with the power out. They get their power from the Central Office. (Which should have battery/generator).

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