From The Sun:

It’s currently 90° and 70% humidity in Huntsville.

I am much more likely to die of heat stroke than COVID.

Heat stroke is the leading cause of death among children after vehicle accidents.

COVID has virtually no mortality in healthy children.

Even with the elderly, heat is more lethal than COVID.

So we turn off the A/C to stop the spread of COVID and we kill tens of thousands of more elderly and tens of thousands of children with heat stroke.

No.  Fuck no.  And the person who suggested this bereft of risk assessment or perspective can stick their head in a wood chipper.

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By J. Kb

18 thoughts on “This will increase my likelihood of death”
  1. This clearly came from the Cumo School of disease prevention, (The if you preemptively kill off every one who is susceptible to the disease the numbers of infected who die from the disease will go down school of thought. )

  2. No, nothing else matters. COVID-19 is the only cause of death that matters.

    Do try and keep up.

  3. Put a good, high-quality filter on the AC system. Maybe an electrostatic collector to boot.

    Call it good.

  4. I noticed this is from some British tabloid rag. Isn’t this the one that is mostly known for its T&A photos on page 3?

    Apart from that, doo they have AC there? I only ever encountered AC in Holland (when growing up there in the 1960s) in specialized labs that require close temperature control (my father’s work needed 68 degrees, controlled to within a fraction of a degree). But I saw it nowhere else, not in schools, not in factories, certainly not in homes. It may be slightly less rare now, but I still can’t imagine AC being at all popular in a country where the average summer temperature is 70 degrees or so.

    1. As of when I spent time in Germany during the early part of the century, and more recently on honeymoon during the summer in Italy, Germany and the Netherlands … nope, still not very common. Hotel lobbies and large stores, yes. Restaurants, hit-and-miss. Hotel rooms, unless a big hotel (e.g. 10+ stories), likely not.

  5. The linked article contains large amount of gibberish.
    It also seems to be referring to home air conditioning, which makes no sense unless a member of the household is already infected. I think the recommendation, assuming it exists at all, most likely refers to institutional settings.
    (I don’t believe home A/C is common in England.)

  6. The high temperature was 79 degrees F in London, where the Sun is located. The high at my house here in Florida was 95 degrees.

    Europeans have been saying for years that Americans are wasteful in running AC, but they forget that Berlin is at the same latitude as Ketchikan, Alaska. Jacksonville, Florida is the same latitude as Cairo, Egypt. Many Europeans don’t get that.

    1. I’m an expert IT troubleshooter, and I say he’s full of crap.

      My buddy’s an expert mechanic and says the same.

      Two of us makes it plural. “Experts say” he’s full of crap.

  7. Temp here in AZ yesterday was a record setting 116F. Today a mild 110 F is projected, as we pick up a smattering of clouds. The AC stays on, thank you very much. You seem to have all the authority of a kindergarten instructor lecturing on quantum mechanics.

  8. Isn’t it weird how the expert advice on how to stop coronavirus is *exactly the same* as the expert advice on how to stop global warming?

  9. Pretty sure this idiocy is fully backed by the faux-science of the progtards new-green-scam.

    Next up on MSLSD: beef transmits the ChiComFlu so switch to the toxic sludge of ubber processed veggie meats or else. /sarc


  10. As an aside, J.Kb, your likelihood of death approaches 1/1, asymptotically.

    The a/c blather, *might*, were you so foolish
    as to act on it (itself a vanishingly small likelihood), might increase the likelihood of your demise, in 2020.

    1. IDK guy, I wouldnt be surprised to see people follow this advise- look how easy it is to get em to wear a mask no question….

      1. While I do not think that masks accomplish anything, especially with the way people are incorrectly wearing them, I think that this is a stupid argument.

        Wearing a mask makes you no more susceptible to tyranny than does wearing pants. How long have signs reading “No shoes, no shirt, no service” been in stores?

  11. Screw that! I live in Houston TX. I would get CPS called on me if I turned off my A/C, assuming SWMBO didn’t kill me first. Also, my HVAC has a U/V light installed so as soon as Corvid shutdowns started I turned the fan on full time to increase its effectiveness at killing viruses in my home.

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