In case you missed it, porn star Brandi Love went to Turning Point USA as a VIP and got kicked out.

This turned into a thing online where the Libertarian minded were calling Conservatives hypocrites or puritanical, and making accusations of cancel culture.

I figure I’d weigh in with my two cents.

Porn is like alcoho or gambling. It’s a vice, and like many vices, I little bit in moderation can be fun.

Excessive use is bad.

I’ve watched porn.  I think the normalization of OnlyFans is wrong, evil, and destructive to society.

OnlyFans creates a relationship between the porn star and the viewer.  In common parlance, these people are simps.  It is a ersatz romantic relationship, but it’s  not true human connection,  it’s effectively digital prostitution.

Boys who do this come to see women as commodities.  Women come to see boys solely as sources of money.  Each exploiting the other where the intimacy of sex is transactional.

This is different than how traditional (?) porn is for all but the most extreme porn addict.

When you download a dirty move or buy one from that non descript concrete block building with no windows out by the pawn shop, you are not getting into a relationship with the star.

Moreover, the barriers to entry for porn vs OnlyFans is very different.

A girl can do OnlyFans from anywhere, and a segment of our pop culture has convinced them that it’s empowering and an easy way to make a quick buck.

Again, different from the more traditional route of going to LA or another place and having to audition.

I’ve posted articles of families that have come apart because a member (usually the wife or mom) starts making money on OnlyFans and the kids are mortified by the social fallout.

This sort of mass democratized, interactive porn turns a vice that should be indulged in occasionally into a normalized social problem.

We should have the ability to say “It’s wrong to normalize this.”

I’ll have the occasional beer.  That doesn’t make me a hypocrite to say we should have restrictions on alcohol sales.

I’ve gone to a casino before.  That doesn’t make me a hypocrisy to say we should have restrictions on gambling.

I’ve watched porn.  It doesn’t make me a hypocrite to say we shouldn’t normalize porn as just another job and product to be consumed.

There should be a difference between being liberal in the classical sense (concerned with individual civil liberties) and being libertine.

Its not wrong to say conservative values don’t include normalizing moms doing internet porn and taking selfish with teenage boys at a conference using her stage name.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “TPUSA was right to reject the porn star”
  1. Why was she there as a VIP and why was she kicked out? If she was invited by the organization, they shouldn’t have invited her in the first place, but they shouldn’t have kicked her out unless she was causing a commotion. Even if she bought her way in, she should have been allowed to stay if she wasn’t causing issues. Her being there isn’t an endorsement of porn, IMO.

    1. She paid for the VIP pass. She was using her porn star name instead of her real name. They said she was promoting her OnlyFans account by doing that.

    2. I don’t see this as any different than if the VIP was a known LGBT person who is also conservative being harassed and kicked out because of their sexual orientation. Imagine if it was Peter Thiel.

      While she probably shouldnxt have been invited as a VIP, she shouldn’t have been kicked out and should be allowed to attend as an individual. It’s not like event invited throngs of pornstars to attend. One individual will hardly make a difference. So much for the bigvtent concept. Instead of building bridges whereever and whenever we can we end up shunning people and end up harming the movement in the long run. As one of the few conservative voices in the Adult industry she should be supported. We need all the allies we can get, not more adversaries.

      You don’t have to condone what she does for a living but you shouldn’t reject her as an individual.

      Also where does the line get drawn?

      Lingerie model?

      Swimsuit model?

      A conservative female that shows some skin but actually knows what they are talkimg about in a given field? For example, an attractive good female competitive shooter as opposed to a useless know nothing gun bunny?

      This reminds me of the controversy where Candace Cameron got in hot water for a picture she shared where her husband had his hand over her breast. Was it slightly inappropriate, yes. But if you can’t even do such a thing in a comitted longterm marriage than when can you do it at alll.

      We need more people with backbones that will stand up for others rather than cowering to someone or some group. It is the only way we can succeed in the future.

      1. This is one reason why conservatives have been losing and will continue to lose the culture war, along with it significant portions of younger generations who would otherwise not vote liberal. Excessive swooning and pearl-clutching only serves to make conservatives look weak and easily disturbed (what’s that word for frozen precipitation?).

  2. I’m confused. You say porn is like liquor — ok in moderation. That’s a fair viewpoint to argue.

    If the CEO of Jack Daniels were to show up at a convention, would you argue to throw him out because he’s a creator of booze? I don’t think so. So by the same reasoning, if you say porn in moderation is ok, what reason do you have to cancel a person who helps create that product?

  3. ASFAIK, it was Twitter mob of random and sockpuppet “bot” like accounts that made a fuss. Classic online rage mob of just a few that seems like a movement.

    According to her, the VIP section she was in had an open bar and was for the older 40-ish+ croud that were about 50% of the attendance. (I’m assuming that this is the group where the organization makes it’s money from with donations)

    The rest was collage age at 30% and older High school students for the remaining 20%.

    As for “promoting” her onlyfans by using her very well known stage name, she doesn’t need to.

    Also, are we going to require everyone who has a well known pseudonym to use their legal name?

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