So a bit of conversation from the work day:

Some useless dipshit Lefty activists sent out a Tweet begging the UN to deal with Trump.

I guess this half-baked turd assume that the single most effective military in the world, under the command of Secretary of Defense Offence James “Mad Dog” Mattis would roll over for a bunch of Pakistani blue helmets and let Trump be taken to The Hague.

But lets say for a second that happens.  How many red state Trump supporters would flock to DC or wherever for the opportunity to shoot blue helmets?

We all know this.

So now we’re sitting around at lunch discussing this when someone makes a very astute point.

“The real question is ‘how many blue helmets will die with their dicks in their hands?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Shooting blue helmets just standing around won’t be much fun after a while.  What you want to do is wait until one goes off to take a piss, then pop him.”

“There has got to be an ‘achievement unlocked’ for hitting one who’s popped a squat to take a dump.”

“One point for a Blue Helmet, two for an NCO, three for an officer, double that if you get him with his pants down.”

“That’s one hell of a morale killer, get shot while taking a shit.”

“Just imagine a bunch of Peacekeepers trying to hold in the curry shits until the cover of darkness when they can go safely.”

“You’re not going to let them die with dignity, are you.”

“Nope, fuck em.”

Yeah, I know, we’re not normal.

It takes a very special breed of person to sit though years of classes in engineering, studying math and science, and then to end up in a room with some of the most hard ass people on the planet and say with complete seriousness:

So you want a device that can fuck up an entire village AND be man portable? I love my job.”




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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “We’re still not right”
  1. Hey, I’ve said that very thing!

    Unfortunately, I work for a retail company, so perhaps I shouldn’t have been so enthusiastic…

  2. “I guess this half-baked turd assume that the single most effective military in the world, under the command of Secretary of Defense Offence James “Mad Dog” Mattis would roll over for a bunch of Pakistani blue helmets and let Trump be taken to The Hague”

    Only way something like that could possibly happen is if Trump is overseas and a foreign power were to overrun his security detail and kidnap him. Presumably then Mattis would get to unleash the hounds. As for U.N. troops on American soil? Yeah, that would end about how this post suggests.

    1. Yes, a state kidnapping a person holding US diplomatic status, that would not be a pretty picture. Even Carter understood how bad that is (though he was too stupid to do anything about it). Any US official even remotely competent would send in the SEALs or equivalent, perhaps along with the words that Jefferson once sent to the Barbary Pirates.

  3. Sixteen-odd years ago, in the days of Shotgun News and Fred’s M14 Stocks, red-staters shooting Blue Helmets was the premise of Project Appleseed. Some of the target handouts depicted UN trucks or armored vehicles, with the scoring areas being fuel tanks, tires, the driver’s position, the commander’s cupola, antenna mounts and vision blocks.

    (My peak AQT number was 221, BTW. Since then my eyes have changed and my glasses haven’t and last time I barely squeaked through with a 210 and 211.)

  4. “Just imagine a bunch of Peacekeepers trying to hold in the curry shits until the cover of darkness when they can go safely.”

    Point of order: Both night and thermal vision optics are readily available on the consumer market, including adapters for telescopic sights.

    There *IS* no ‘safe’.

    1. Yeah, but it’s expensive as hell. Your average deer rifle with a half decent optic is still a 300 yard gun out of the box. Right now, accuracy is about $1 per yard (i.e., you can put together a gun that can hit a man size target at 1,000 yards for about $1,000). Long range night vision is a few thousand on its own.

  5. Not to mention the red neck navy out on the coastal waters waiting to “welcome” the un…….

    And “normal” is a cycle on a washing machine.

  6. If memory serves, the Russian snipers at Stalingrad did this sort of Sniperism trolling as a matter of course. Shooting the guy delivering the hot food to the front lines was another, special way of telling the Hitlerites “trakhat’ tebya!”

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