I hate politics right now.  I’ve hated it since 2016 and started to really dislike it in 2012.

I’ve always been interested in politics.  I enjoyed debating it and the law with my dad.  It was fun to follow, but in the last few years it feels like it’s gotten worse at an alarming rate.

What I hate so much is the feeling that I am never safe.  If I don’t donate every possible dollar I have, if I don’t spend every spare waking hour campaigning or canvassing, if I’m not engaged all the time, I’m going to get run over by a party being lead by extremists.

Faithful readers of this blog will know that we documented just how much of the fault of the Parkland shooting was the failure of the Broward County Sheriff and School Board.  The Pulse nightclub shooting was a failure of the FBI and Orlando PD.  It turns out that the Borderline Bar was the result the failure of local PD not to deal with that shooter after the many police incidences he had.  Also, that shooter’s guns were illegal by California law.

The failures of Big (democrat lead) Government are going to be used to justify taking my guns.  That’s not paranoia, that is California, Washington state, New Jersey, and Florida.  If they can pass a law mandating the surrender of bump stocks and magazines over 10 rounds, they can mandate anything.  Sure, SCOUTS might overturn such a law, but will that stop Democrats from doing what they would do.  Has the DOJ every stopped NYC from violating FOPA and safe transport?  Compliance may be low, but what good is an AR-15 hidden away that you can’t every take out and use without being arrested for having?

They will do everything in their power to walk back concealed carry step by step until it’s gone or so impossible to comply with it’s useless.

It’s not just guns though, it is every aspect of the culture war that frightens me.

Obama turned our college campuses into Title IX kangaroo courts.  As Trump’s Education Secretary DeVos tries to roll that back, she and the GOP at large is accused of being “rape supporters” or “rape apologists.”  We saw that take national prominence during the Kavanaugh nomination.

So how long until a private citizen donates to the NRA or some Republican candidate and ends up having his life destroyed by an unfounded accusation of college grab-assary.

With the tacit to full throated approval of Democrat members of the house, how long until being targeted for protest and violence by Antifa or some other mob becomes the norm?

We watched those supporting trans rights become militant under Obama.  The push for bathroom rights under Title IX also took turn to the political extreme.  North Carolina was targeted and broken for trying to stand up to it.

What happens when my daughter comes home from school and says that she is uncomfortable with a fully developed boy changing in the girls locker room in gym class or lapping the rest of the girls at the track meet and is denounced as a bigot for it?

My son is a boy.  In every possible way, he’s a boy.  When he was a baby, one of the first things he mastered was shoes.  If you left a pair of shoes on the floor, he’d put his feet into them and try to walk around.  He did this with my work boots, he did this with my wife’s heels.  We thought it was cute.

Do not put a picture of a baby boy in heels on the internet.  Crazy people will tell you that means he is trans.

My son went through a pretty strong Paw Patrol phase.  One of his favorite pups was Skye, the only female pup.  Why?  She flew a helicopter and flying is awesome.

My daughter is less than a year old.  She plays with her brother’s toys.  I’m a cheap ass (saves money for ammo) so my little girl wears he brother’s hand-me-down.  She also has girl clothes, but I’m not throwing away perfectly good kids clothes just because they are boy themed.

I read two articles that fascinated me one was from a gay man and the other from a lesbian, both were very similar.  They said that the militant trans community is destroying the gay community, working to convince effete gay men and bull dykes that they are not gay, but trans women and trans men respectively.  The T is eating the LG.

So I read about California pushing hormone therapy and puberty blockers on younger and younger kids who identify as trans, and that children do not need to have parental consent for abortion or birth control.  I ask myself, maybe not in Alabama, but elsewhere if a newly minted progressive teacher decides that one of my children is Trans and the state steps in to play Dr. Mengele with their hormones without my consent?  What if I say no?  Will they take my child away from me, framing my desire not to poison them with puberty blockers as some sort of abuse?

What about my simple freedom of speech.  If my saying all of this offends some Lefty, the new line of attack is my speech is violence.

If you hurt someone’s feelings, that causes them distress and distress is harm and harm is violence.  Either they have the right to respond to my word “violence” with actually violence – this is the Antifa logic – or they can shut me up so that they can no longer hear my word “violence” and be distressed – this is the college deplatforming logic.

I feel like I am in a no stop street fight for my basic civil rights.  If I stop to take a breather or turn my back my ability to speak freely, defend myself, have the protection of due process, and raise my children the way I see fit will be stolen from my by extremists.

I wonder if this is how moderate Frenchmen felt at the beginning of the reign of terror or moderate Russians felt at the beginning of the Russian Revolution.  Right now the radicals are chopping of the heads of the nobility, or the elite and well connected (Judge Kavanaugh, Tucker Carlson, Trump’s cabinet, etc.), but when they are all taken down and their blood lust is not satiated, we middle class, middle America, moderates are next to the guillotine or firing squads.

If you want to know why I want an American Divorce, Red State Secession, or whatever you want to call it, this is why.  I just want to feel like everything isn’t so dire all the time.

My taxes may go up, my taxes may go down.  A trade deal will be struck or it won’t.  Life goes on.  I don’t mind that politics.

I hate this feeling that if we lose, life won’t go on because the other side isn’t content with anything other that our total capitulation to their ideals or complete destruction.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “What I hate about American politics in the last few years”
  1. “If you want to know why I want an American Divorce, Red State Secession, or whatever you want to call it, this is why. I just want to feel like everything isn’t so dire all the time.”

    I understand the sentiment, but this won’t do any good, because it’s not logistically possible. It can’t be divided up between Red and Blue states, the divide here is rural vs. urban more than anything, but even that is simplifying things. What color a state is politically depends more on whichever of those voting blocs has managed to exert more influence. I don’t think there is a cure to what ails this country. The mainstream media and social networks feed off of rage and hatred and exacerbate the divide. Neither are going away. I agree, this all sucks.

  2. ” I ask myself, maybe not in Alabama, but elsewhere if a newly minted progressive teacher decides that one of my children is Trans and the state steps in to play Dr. Mengele with their hormones without my consent? What if I say no? Will they take my child away from me, framing my desire not to poison them with puberty blockers as some sort of abuse?”



    1. The case of England killing a sick child by denying the parents the right to seek medical treatment in a free country is another example.
      The common thread in these two cases is “Universal Health Care” — which I’ve taken to calling “VA for All”.

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