Rosanna Arquette is the Daniel Baldwin of the Arquette brood, she is the least famous and most screwed up.

She is also super Woke, even by Woke Hollywood standards.

The Chinese government wants to sperate itself from the culpability of causing a global pandemic.  Using their useful idiots in the media, they have pushed the message is out the calling it the Chinese/Wuhan Coronavirus is racist.

So who can be blamed?

Well, if you are Woke, you have two choices: white people and Jews.

Since China and the rest of the media are now trying to blame Trump for the virus Arquette had to go to the next level and blame the Jews.

It’s not that Israel is a world’s leader in biotech research.

It’s that the Joooooooos engineered the virus in order to sell the vaccine for profit.

This sounds like the shitty plot of a made for TV movie that one of her siblings has to take to cover their alimony payment because they snorted the rest of their royalties up their nose.

I wonder how long it will take for Ilhan and Tlaib to latch onto some version of this message?

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “You know who it’s not racist to blame the Coronavirus on?”
  1. Sooo, Israel knew the Iranians has a penchant for licking statues and tailored a virus to exploit that foible, and through a desire to conquer the world they somehow released the virus in the Wuhan wet food market so the Chinese get blamed for it. The stupid, it burns.

  2. So… she’s confused. (Wow! This is my surprised face…)

    Apparently, she has zero idea about how any kind of research and development happens. Does she actually think that every vaccine in development is specific to a single virus? Or that one already in development might not be modified?

    No, in her simple mind, if the Israeli’s had something in the works, they must have known about the virus beforehand.

  3. But it’s all okay, because the anti-vaxxers will tell us the vaccines are bad for people too, right?

    1. When the FDA approves the first COVID-19 vaccine, the White House needs to release a statement that says “testing shows side effects include wanting to vote for Donald Trump and wanting to MAGA.”

      The Left will refuse to use it and then nature will take its course.

  4. I myself am a Catholic, but have always had a deep love for Israel and her people; and one of the very few things in life that reliably pisses me off big time, is Jew-hatred. I have never understood it, but yes, it is true that anything that can be blamed on the Jews, gets a free pass from the media and the Hollywood elitists. Dnam them all!!!

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