
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

And we have arrived at the end of the road. The Blog is closing.

Gunfreezone.net is my brand and has been since 2008. Good or bad, I am responsible for what is being published under it and I have dealt consequences for mistakes made before and carried on.

But this one has gone too far:

The advocacy of sending anybody to a gulag camp and stealing their money is not acceptable under any circumstances in this blog. NONE.

I do not give a damn if it was sarcasm, joke, titillation or clickbait, it simply is a Mortal Sin.

“When people say they are going to kill you/send you to camp, take them at their word.”

How many times through the years I have posted this concept in the blog I am not sure, but probably a lot. It hurt me to no end to see that idiocy published under my brand.

This is something I can’t take back and nobody can. So, the only thing I can do is making sure this stops right here and that means shooting the horse in the head.


I told AWA to lock J.Kb. out of publishing anything else here and to start lockdown procedures. I have requested that he returned control of the Twitter/X account. J Kb. is free to express whatever his heart desires, just not under Gunfreezone.net.

Other than AWA’s shutdown updates, anything else published after this post does not represent the foundational principles of this blog, nor has my support or are authorized by me.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it has been a memorable ride. But now it has come to its end.

My social media presence will be at MiguelGGG (@MiguelGGG12) / X. Email should still be working for a while at least.

My eternal thanks to all of you who read, shared, contributed and even gave me crap.

Maybe we will continue in another realm.

Bump Fire Day.

I was thinking about all the faux rage about SCOTUS about the bump stock ban that we need to go to a range or safe area and take a video of your favorite semi rifle in bump fire mode.

Use a bump stock or any other means, including just your finger and position.

And then post it in your favorite social media under #BumpFireDay. I am thinking the 4th of July just to drive them even deeper into a frenzy.

I expect Democrats proposing mass amputations of index fingers because “If it only saves one kid.”


And you got it wrong again.

I have been seeing this around allegedly presenting numbers from the CDC.  So, I went to their database and searched all 2022 causes of death from year 1 to year 17.

I am guessing that they are including suicides by firearms in their stats and not just homicides, but still adding both all homicides and suicides as if they were done by firearms, they come up short of car accidents. Health-related deaths still are by far the biggest killer.

“ZOMFG! Bumps Stocks Bad! We iz gonna die.”


While she is flapping gums, the streets tell a different story.


Oh well, they “know better” right?

Voices for a Safer Tennessee endorses NRA’s Eddie Eagle.

I swear I owe a drink to whomever signed me up for their emails. If he/she thought I was going to be annoyed, the joke backfired.

And yes, the instructions are found in Handgun Safety (tn.gov), but I am guessing nobody did a proper search where did they come from.

On behalf of all NRA members who have been supporting Eddie Eagle since its inception, we thank your unintended endorsement of a successful program.