By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “13 year old genetically designed to freak the crap out of Gun Control Activists.”
  1. AWESOME!!! I can hear the anti’s now screaming how she’s been brainwashed or some such nonsense.
    I bet she’s got more gumption, drive and tenacity than a hundred of them. But my opinion of them is so low that I could up the number to a thousand and still be confident of my statement. They’d wet their pants if they even touched those guns. Bunch of sissies.
    I know her parents must be proud. Reminds me of my daughter, she’s an avid hunter and is not someone to trifle with.
    Great video and keep up the good work!

  2. O_O Shocking, absolutely horrifying!

    I mean, this video is proof positive that the existence SCAR 16 is more than just an urban legend, and now all the little gunnie boys and girls are going to want one!

    …. Yeah, Dad ain’t gonna have to worry about sitting on the porch with his shotgun when she starts dating – she’ll have her own. Good on her, and good on her folks for teaching her properly.

  3. Good on her!

    Hope she doesn’t live in the PDRK. They’re actually making noises about taking away all semi-autos.

  4. I’ll bet her stinking liberal school teachers CRINGE when she walks into class.
    I’ll bet she’s a hoot on “what did you do on your summer vacation?” day.

  5. She’s probably better than me!

    Glad to see there are more parents out there that can raise a child properly. I bet this girl has posters of Julie Goloski and Karla Herdzik on her wall instead of Paris Hilton and Taylor Swift who are truly ruining the little minds of kids today…

  6. Simply awesome. I’m sure she put in a lot of time and practice to be so proficient. She is going to go far in life.

  7. Out of all those targets and shots fired…she missed exactly 2 as far as I could tell and those two weren’t until she hit the pistol course.

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