Month: November 2011

It’s my story and I’ll write it the way I want it, truth be damned.

Here is this paragraph. Read it and think what comes to your mind.

A Fort Lee soldier has been convicted of brandishing a pistol outside a Hopewell eatery in one of the few cases of a concealed-gun permit-holder breaking the law since Virginians were allowed to carry hidden guns into bars and restaurants serving alcohol.

When I read it, my first thought was “Drunk G.I. got in a tiff with somebody at restaurant where booze is served and pulled and now he is paying for it.” Well, apparently not quite like that. Here is what happened according to the same The Richmond Times Dispatch article that opened with the quote above:

Bell brandished his concealed gun outside a restaurant that doesn’t serve alcohol.

It happened in the parking lot of a Denny’s for God’s sake! The soldier did not go inside, got drunk, stepped outside and beat the crap out of or shot somebody with a gun. He apparently was not involved directly in the fight. He did display a weapon he was carrying which is illegal if his life was not being threatened. He was found guilty and I have no complaints about that.

Now the question I ask of Mr. Mark Bowes (the creative writer of the ‘article’) is,  if the law that you mentioned in the beginning of the article was not violated, why not only bring it but make a huge fuss about it?

And then I remembered that integrity is not a part of the journalistic experience. Silly me.

Book Day

Tomorrow I shall take a little time to drop by my local Barnes & Noble for my printed fix. Larry Correia’s Spellbound is first on the list followed by Ben Coe’s Power Down and maybe Mark Bowen’s Worm.  I never read P. J. O’Rourke and apparently he has a boatload of books written which I hate because I would hate to pick not his best and form the wrong idea about the guy. But a chance will be taken.

Unfortunately two authors have been ejected from my regular reading list: W.E.B. Griffin and Tom Clancy. They are not even writing their own books anymore and one can tall right away. It is fraudulent in my opinion.

And I am a tad pissed about a book I ordered via Amazon: Real World Survival : What Has Worked For Me by Walt Rauch. I ordered the damn thing on October 12 and so far not a peep. It ticks me off to no end that people are that irresponsible… or maybe I am such a reading addict I find that 3 weeks delivery in this day and age is inexcusable.

Sweet OWS Irony

My recently moved next door neighbor works for SEIU. He’s been involved in the Occupy Miami stuff but today he had to stay home because he was having Cable & Internet installed. He’s been on the phone bitching loudly because the union workers that came earlier only do installation outside the home and nobody knows when the union workers that do installation inside the home are nowhere to be found.

The Fail is strong with this one.

Update on the Brady Fib.

Gwen Shegda shared a bit more information in the Brady Facebook page and what she is trying to pass as warfare in her neighborhood is just a heavy case of NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard). Residents of Tudor Grove in Orange County, Florida have been complaining about a neighbor who shoots in his property. The location is rural and the shooting neighbor has been there way before the community was built so the county legally cannot do a thing. The following video explains the situation and shows that not only Gwen has issues with fibbing.

Residents concerned over nearby gun range:

Tudor Grove Community’s Facebook page informs the neighbors that they have contacted the ACLU, NRA, Brady, Million Mom March and I think even Senator Marco Rubio to see if they can do something about it. This post is rich:

I am thinking this is Gwen by the way she writes. Dear Gwen, it is called the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, not the Brady Campaign to Prevent Loud Noises. Fibbing about it is not kosher.

Brady Folks fib just a tad.

Some people have the good ole imagination running overtime.

Gwen’s Facebook profile shows she lives in Orlando, FL. Obviously a quick check on the news showed nothing of the kind. Plus who were the rich people engaging in a 10 hour battle using rounds costing $2.50 a pop?

I think maybe a neighbor was watching Band of Brothers with the volume a tad high and she got a bit confused.

UPDATE: My reply was deleted and I am not allowed to post at the Brady Facebook page. That the original and very dubious post is still up shows a lot how much they care for the truth.

End of a Licensing Era

I just got my new Florida Concealed Weapon License in the mail. I renewed by mail and it took barely over a week  for the Division of Licensing to receive, process and issue the new one. They do a GREAT job and should be commended.

Sadly, I will not be carrying the coolest License ever issued in any state anymore. A CWL issued by Charles Bronson? Priceless!

Time for you to go into the tactical memento & keepsake safebox by MagPull.

QOTD: Larry Correia.

From Facebook:

I live by the gun. I have never committed a crime with a firearm, and have trained literally thousands of people how to use one legally and safely. Several of my students are only alive because they were legally armed. I consider a gun to be a tool, and the single most effective method of self defense. If you believe I deserve to die because of that, well, you can go fuck yourself. 🙂
Belief in your “street smarts” keeping you safe is just another form of faith. You can also say that you will be saved by karma, your favorite deity, or the Easter Bunny. Good luck with that. Personally, I’ll stick with common sense and God, but I’m pretty sure He wants me to be proficient with a .45 also.

Amen Brother!