Month: October 2012

This is what happens when a only selected few have guns (Graphic Content & Brutality)

You may have to log in to Youtube to see this video. Warning: It is not ketchup on the walls and they are not actors or stuntmen in the floor. The purple bruises are not make-up….

This video from Syria and allegedly Pro-Assad militias “dealing” with civilians arrested in the area. When the Chosen Factions decide to have at it, it is those who cannot defend themselves the ones that suffer.

More about GRPC 2012: Mark O’Mara.

If by know you don’t know, allow me to inform you that Mr. O’Mara is the Lawyer for George Zimmerman and he spoke at the GRPC 2012. The Media was all drooling over the possibility that Mark O’Mara would engage on advertising in favor of his client but he killed that upfront with the obvious: It would be stupid as not all the testimonies and evidence are in or even known and because it would be unethical. Some people’s dreams were shattered…Oh well.

Mr. O’Mara did a fantastic job explaining Florida’s laws regarding self-defense, Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground complementing the two heavy hitters that came before him: Eric Friday who is counsel for Florida Carry and Jon Gutmacher who wrote Florida Firearms Law, the best book about the gun ownership in Florida.

Before he was finished I realized that George Zimmerman couldn’t be better represented. O’Mara’s delivery is calm but not sleepy, full of facts but far from boring and you connect with what he is saying rather easily. Grant you he was in a room full of Gun People but we are a mistrusting bunch by definition and lawyers are high on the watch list. I was told that he is a force to be reckoned with in court and he will politely destroy the opposition’s case. He is also very much respected among LEOs who call on him to review cases of deadly force.

I was told that Angela Corey will be prosecuting this case herself. From what info I have collected about her, she is not gonna have a good time in court against O’Mara. If the Zimmerman trial goes on TV, I am gonna record every bit of it as I think it will be a great learning experience.

Now, if I could only have Nancy Grace automatically muted every time she opens her mouth……..



Florida Carry: A group to watch.

Were are in a transition period regarding Gun Rights. The folks that have been fighting the good fight since pretty much the 80s are getting a little long in years and deserve a well-earned rest. But there is a new generation coming in and building on what their predecessors established. They are smart in the ways of the new media and with a fire in their bellies; prognosis is very good.

One of those groups is Florida Carry. They had a table at the GRPC 2012, I stopped by and listened a bit to what they were saying. They were energetic and passionate with that dash of “We ain’t joking” that makes you feel that not only they know what they are doing but will not be stopped.

If you live in Florida and care about your gun rights, go ahead and make a contribution to Florida Carry. I feel these guys are going places and will represent us damn well.

I will never live this one down.

I was interviewed by Yamiche Alcindor and her article is fair enough and accurate enough for the space that USA Today gave her. She braved the whole three days and spoke with lots of folks so we may have other articles coming.

The picture was a last second thing she did at the end of day one and while she was interviewing Kathy Jackson of The Cornered Cat. I had no idea my ugly face would end all over the interwebs. I saw theĀ  poster being sold and I got me one, I think it is pretty cool and it downright attracts attention. I also bought 6 stickers with the same design: I am keeping one and the other 5 I will give away in some sort of silly contest that I have to come up with.

I checked the comments and found this on kinda funny:

I did meet Romney for a few seconds (Hi welcome to the hotel thanks <handshake>) while he was staying at a hotel I used to work. This was I think in 2007 when he was being considered as a candidate. I told my the boss that he might become U.S. president and he laughed. On November 7, I am gonna call him and give him a big “TOLD YOU SO!” for the hell of it.