Month: March 2013

Colorado: The Banning of Shotguns

A popular hunting shotgun could be banned under one of the bills moving through the state Capitol. A pump or semi-automatic shotgun is the gun most hunters in Colorado use. It’s a gun state Sen. Greg Brophy, R-Wray, says could be banned under a bill that’s already passed the House and Gov. John Hickenlooper says he’ll sign.

via Popular Standard Shotgun Could Be Banned Under Proposed Bill « CBS Denver.

That should make PETA and the rest of the Animal Rights groups very happy.

As much as I am pained for the crap people in Colorado are going through, this insane push the Antis are doing alongside the idiocy of the Cuomo Law serves as perfect teaching moment for the rest of the Nation and also to finally discredit those who say they “Just want to have a conversation” and “We are not coming for your guns.”

The Chair is against the wall.

Kids says the darnest things: A well deserved trip to prison IMHO.

When police later pulled over Burton, officers asked the boy about two other women in the car.

“Those are my daddy’s hoes,” the boy replied, according to prosecutors.

via Miami-Dade human trafficking unit gets first conviction, sentence – Miami-Dade –

The kid was not talking about farming implements. You really have to be seven grades of scum to carry a kid around during your prostitution crimes tour.

Hat Tip to Jennifer for the article and extra brownie points for lifting a story out of my local news rag 🙂

I keep saying it is not 1994: Magpul’s Boulder Airlift.

You gotta love this:

Magpul is proud to announce the “Boulder Airlift”, our program to make sure that responsible Colorado citizens have the opportunity to own standard capacity PMAGs prior to the potential implementation of pending legislation that would infringe on their Second Amendment Rights. The program will be open to all responsible CO residents, (with both billing and shipping addresses inside CO) and provide access to a limited quantity of PMAGs. Remember to contact members of the Senate and the Governor prior to ordering and urge them to oppose HB 1224.

Full details at

Similar to the Berlin Airlift, the Boulder Airlift will bring much needed supplies to freedom-loving residents trapped inside occupied territory. While we plan to initially use FedEx or UPS instead of aerial delivery, we figure that $5 flat rate shipping will make up for any loss of “style points.”

The increases we have made and continue to make in production capacity will allow us to open this program with very minimal impact on the number of PMAGs we are shipping to our dealers and distributors out of the state. We are also aware that Colorado is not the only state with existing or pending magazine capacity restrictions; we are working on programs for other affected states as well.

The politicos keep underestimating the real anger out there and they do so at their own risk. Colorado democrats will pay dearly in 2014 for this mistake; they apparently bought the promises of support made by Bloomberg and shoved gun control bills redacted by MAIG lawyers and shoved through the Colorado legislature.

Colorado is posed to lose billions in currency if the laws are signed by Governor John Hickenlooper. It seems they have not realized that hunting, one of Colorado’s main source of income will be affected by this crap.

Then the hunting will begin in its earnest.

BCM Takes a Stand (via Jerking the Trigger)

Paul Buffoni, owner of Bravo Company USA and Bravo Company Manufacturing, has officially put his money where his mouth is. BCM was recently selected to replace the Milwaukee Police Department’s current patrol carbines. However, after learning that Milwaukee Police Chief Flynn testified in favor of a new Assault Weapons Ban (see video below), BCM withdrew their bid and will no longer be doing business with the department except warranty work on the carbines that they already own

via BCM Takes a Stand – Jerking the Trigger.

Only fools ignore the winds of an upcoming hurricane.

Things to do for fun.

– I do this every time I am forced to go to Mass Laboratory Franchise to get my blood work done: When you head out and are about to hit the lobby full of people, grasp your arm where the blood was drawn. As you walk through the lobby, be sure to have a face full of pain and mutter some words about “being stuck like a pig”  “Lord this hurts so effing much” or words to that effect. Enjoy the faces of sheer panic that develop amongst the waiting patients.

– If you are standing in line or in a crowd that has no concept of personal space, it is time to bring out your split personality. Have a muted yet entertaining conversation with your other self and let it develop into an argument.

– At the ’10 items or less’ fast checkout lane in a supermarket if you are right behind the idiot with 64 items in the cart: count every beep of the scanner loudly. Math-challenged shopper will usually turn several shades of red or get upset. Either way it is fun to watch.

– At Mass: When doing the Sign of the Cross, instead of saying “In the Name Of The Father….” go “Glasses, Nuts, Wallet & Gun.” Not only you will suddenly have more space but the collection plate will not be anywhere around you.

– Apparently it is bad form to light a cigarette with a Paschal candle but the gasps from the congregation will be phenomenal. (I am officially banned from a church for pulling this stunt. Double points for being during a baptism in which I was the godfather. And yes, you can call me Don Miguel.)

Happy Friday!