Month: August 2014

And the Antis lose it because a school can defend its students.

A group that seldom gets mentioned in this pages:

protest easy guns Texas schools armed teachers

And the post refers to an article in the HuffPo which on first view one can easily deduce where it is going:

protest easy guns Texas schools armed teachers huffpo

“Exponentially more schools have said, ‘Thanks but no thanks, we’d rather not have guns on school property,'” Josh Horwitz, executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, told WSJ. “If you talk to most teachers and educators, their response is, let teachers teach and let law-enforcement officers do their jobs.”

Basically “We cannot have people with guns in a school in case some nutjob comes to kill our students. If something happens what we do is for people with guns to come late to the attack because that makes much more sense.”


NYPD brass to cops: Stop using Kahr K-9 semi-automatic pistol as an off-duty gun  – NY Daily News

Via Student of the Gun.

The NYPD has instructed cops to stop carrying an off-duty gun that has a trigger so light it’s been blamed for a series of accidental discharges, the Daily News has learned.

NYPD spokesman Paul Browne says the Kahr K-9 semi-automatic pistol has led to more than a dozen such shootings — none resulting in a fatality. The shootings have occurred over the last few years, a source said.

via NYPD brass to cops: Stop using Kahr K-9 semi-automatic pistol as an off-duty gun  – NY Daily News.

So how light is the trigger pull in the K-9? Less than the 5.5 Lbs from a standard Glock 17? Maybe a 4.5 to 5 Lbs tuned 1911? Maybe Rob Leatham’s 1.5 Lbs for his competition guns?

Nope. NYPD thinks a 7.5 pounds trigger pull is too light. I am not kidding you.

Then again, the NYPD issue Glock’s trigger is a hefty 12 Lbs. That is more than double of the standard Glock and imposed by the ambulance chasers and bean counters of NYC to allegedly avoid negligent discharges.

As somebody once put it less than poetically:” Boomstick does not go bang unless you are finger f***ing the trigger.” My take is what we are seeing here is negligent training in the NYPD who rather than re-train its officers in the four basic rules of Gun Safety, (which would put a huge dent in the budget) went the way of “let’s make this thing really hard to pull and maybe we won’t be sued for much.” What they ended up with is a bunch of people who rely on the heavy trigger pull  and keeping the finger on the trigger instead of proper finger discipline (outside the trigger guard.) And when dealing with a weapon with half the trigger pull, they suddenly end up with a round going where it was not supposed to go.  God forbid if they ever touch a competition gun as they may spread lead faster than a Dillon mini-gun.

When we all began out journey in the world of shooting, we went through the phase of “Nifty gear makes better shooter” but we  outgrew fast when we realized that it is only through good and constant practice that we become good and safe shooters.  And yes, there is a place for accessories and stuff, but never as substitute for safety that can only be achieved by brain power.


“The Kalashnikovs of The Ukrainian Civil War. “

An amazing collection of AK being used in the Ukraine right now.

It includes some other weapons dating back to WWII and off some not seen outside Russian parades or technical websites. I am sure you will be amazed at some of the accessories installed in the rifles and how they were installed. No Brownells or Midway in Kiev I am guessing.

And of course, there has to be one picture that says “bad ass” through and through:

beard ak

CSGV & Media Matters do hate self defense during disasters.

CSGV Algiers Point


Our friends at the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence refer us to this hit piece by Media Matters on the Algiers Point neighborhood coming together for self-defense after Hurricane Katrina.

Algiers Point was lucky not to suffer the floods, but not because it was a “white enclave” as they were called but because the area is high enough to be above flood waters. Decades ago Algiers Point was mostly very old houses run down and not necessarily the best of neighborhoods until some entrepreneurial contractors bought a house there and decided to bring it back to old New Orleans grandeur. These people were not high rollers in the real state market but more like your Angie’s List type of local contractors who after finishing their house, got contracted by neighbors to do their houses and so on. If I recall correctly, it took over a decade to make the area a pride to live in and the previously run-down houses were now valuable and in some cases historical.

After Katrina, those who stayed behind in Algiers Point were suddenly confronted by individuals looting the area. One of the original contractors that worked on his house was attacked and his working van stolen. Houses were shot at night by marauders and keeping with was going on around New Orleans, police help was nowhere to be found.

So the neighbors decided to get together and defend their lives and property and with success. They armed themselves (many with borrowed weapons), barricaded key streets and watched over each other with great success as they repelled attacks from at the ends were bands of looters. The story got out after things got better and in a moment of comedy, they decided to call themselves the Algiers Point Militia, a name that inflamed the politically butt-hurt and made them immediate targets of investigation.

The best written story of the Algiers Point events can be found in the book “The Great New Orleans Gun Grab” by Gordon Hutchinson and Todd Masson which I have mentioned before and if you have not bought it, you should, now.

Still, it is moronic for CSGV to badmouth people defending themselves after what happened immediately a Post-Katrina New Orleans. Then again I doubt any of the CSGV honchos were living at the time there or gave a crap about what was going on other than the photos of Sean Penn with a shotgun in his hand “rescuing” survivors.

Moms Demand upset because Shannon Watts gets called a liar.

Moms Demand Shannon Watts Stay at Home Mom


You have to love how they switch back and forth, change the meaning of words and concepts to their advantage and then get the undies in a bunch because they get called on it.

Shannon Watts did not pass herself just as a Mom but as a Stay-At-Home Mom with the clear implication that she was indeed Suzy Homemaker. Even the profile in the HuffPo has not changed:

Moms Demand Shannon Watts Stay at Home Mom 2

I had previously checked on the real background of Ms. Watts and as I said before, if she would have been forthright and said she was a working mom who did Public Relations for a living, nobody would have been able to say squat.  But what probably happened is that she being one of the “enlightened ones” thought Mr & Mrs Redneck Peckerwood, being the ignorant cave-dwellers she thought they are, would have felt more comfortable thinking she was doing God’s work from the kitchen cozy and the Media would (as they did) eat it up and give her free ink. Mommy Bake Sales are always good image.

Again the issues is that the Opposition does not know how to work with the Truth. Or shall I say they can’t work with the Truth because invariably ends up going against them. And now that they are just the official third fiddle in the Michael Bloomberg’s Bullshit Media Gun Control Empire, they have lost even more credibility.

Shannon Watts and the rest of the Moms are becoming the annoying lady that makes you play like you are not at home when they knock at the door. A nuisance seeking affirmation and relevance which they work hard to lose.  And this latest faux-rage is not helping either.