Month: September 2014

Crist reaffirms support for gun control

Crist is also asked about gun issues. “I think we need to enforce the 2nd Amendment. I support it,” Crist said. But he said he supports more background check and smaller magazines. When it comes to an assault weapons ban, Crist looks annoyed and politely shuts down the questions.

via Crist reaffirms support for gun control | Tampa Bay Times.

He wants to “enforce” ?  But supports UBC and limited capacity in magazines. Huh? And even he is not that stupid to take a position on Evil Black Rifles.

Think White Obama with this guy.

Hat Tip to Florida Carry.

Guys with ugly legs wearing Kilts: Kilted to Kick Cancer!

Kilted to Kick Cancer is a group that raises fund for prostate cancer research. For some years now, volunteers decide to wear a kilt for a full month and compete with each other.

This year again I selected to be a part of Team JayG  (MArooned) because he’s got possibly the worst looking legs in kilted history. His ancestors were probably the reason pants were invented.

JayG Kilt Jayne


So go to the Donate page, select the amount and make sure you check the box “This donation is made as part of a Fundraising Team.” A drop-down menu will appear and the click on Team JayG.

Only you can prevent Jay from wearing a kilt. And just to let you know how bad it is, he rides a motorcycle wearing that…. presumably commando. If he is the winner, we may be able to convince him NOT to wear a kilt ever again. 😀

Kidding aside, donate if you can, it is for a good cause.

Panera “caves” to Moms Demand

And they are giddy!
Moms Demand Panera


According to the CNBC article:

The request is simply we recognize everyone’s rights,” said Panera CEO Ron Shaich during a phone interview Monday. “But we also recognize that we are building communities in our cafes and are where people come to catch a breath.”
“We’re simply respectfully requesting that people leave their guns at home,” he added. “It’s that simple.”

While the request is new, Panera plans to continue to follow state and local laws regarding firearm policy. The chain also won’t ask employees to enforce the new request or place signs about it in its restaurants.

“We’re certainly not going to put our associates in the position of confronting someone carrying a gun,” he said. “We won’t put our café management in the position of being law enforcement.”

So basically is one of those “moral support” stances that are designed to look good to a certain shrilly minority than actually be effective. Let’s face it: Shannon Watts knows well that in several states, not even the signs carry lawful weight much less a press release. In Florida, you can have a 2 feet by 3 feet sign announcing you don’t allowing guns in your place of business and they can be ignored by anybody legally carrying a concealed firearm.

PS: IMHO Panera is an overly expensive bakery with a crappy product, I get better bread at Publix. But Panera has WiFi and it is a hipster place because they are organic/PC/FOBS (Full of BS)

Ladies and Gents, we had a SWATing: The John Crawford Case.

When Ronald Ritchie called 911 from the aisles of a Walmart in western Ohio last month to report that a black man was “walking around with a gun in the store”, he said that shoppers were coming under direct threat.

“He’s, like, pointing it at people,” Ritchie told the dispatcher. Later that evening, after John Crawford III had been shot dead by one of the police officers who hurried to the scene in Beavercreek, Ritchie repeated to reporters: “He was pointing at people. Children walking by.”

One month later, Ritchie puts it differently. “At no point did he shoulder the rifle and point it at somebody,” the 24-year-old said, in an interview with the Guardian. He maintained that Crawford was “waving it around”, which attorneys for Crawford’s family deny.

via “Ex-Marine” Who SWATted Black Shopper To Death in Wal-Mart Changes His Story – Bearing Arms.

I am gonna jump the gun, call this one a SWATing and get it over with. Ronald Ritchie got himself a lawyer probably because the hard evidence is gonna be enough to at least indict him for Manslaughter.  Is he the only dumb bastard in the Western hemisphere that does not know 911 records all the calls and Wal-Mart has more surveillance cameras than London? John Crawford deserves justice.

And God Forbid he is a member of a Gun Control cult/group.

Long Live Longmire!



Sometimes Hollywood producers will astound you with their supreme stupidity by cancelling a show for what can only be defined as imbecility.

In this era of “reality tv” is easy to understand that a low-cost TV show is appealing as hell to the bean-counters. But when you manage to get a good scripted TV show with not only good ratings but the best rating of any scripted show in your network which means it is bringing in viewers to the point advertisers are willing to pay extra, and you decide to kill the show, you are a frigging moron.

Longimire confirms that the theory of a Gary Copper High Noon character is alive and well and sells dispelling the notion that Justifed was just a hiccup on a TV line-up ridden with multi-pregnant moms and semi-celebrities behaving badly on a weekly basis. But apparently cop shows that do not happen in NY or Chicago or LA are somehow not gritty/edgy enough and therefore not  cool.

The characters in Longmire are all balanced according to the PC Police’s rules for equality across genders/minority count, but they have a general flaw: They are human. That means they can be good or bad or whatever they are with no special moral superiority just because you are not Anglo and that might have pissed off the Network that could not control a  bunch of Redneck Duck Hunters.  Bad guys run the gamut and the two top ones are the obligatory Anglo and a full blood Indian (sorry, Native American) who has no qualms in invoking the plight of his people while squeezing the shit out of them. That also means they have a script that does not give a damn about conventional TV wisdom which is a refreshing breeze across the Media Wasteland of today and makes the show entertaining.

And if the above are not reasons enough, I have two words for you: Katee Sackhoff.

Katee Sackhoff longmire


And now, a word from Craig Johnson, the author of the Longmire books from which the series is based.

There’s an old saying among cowboys—you ride for the brand. If you’re hired on, you do your job the best you can and you don’t whine or complain about the outfit—but there does come a time, if you are mistreated with intent, when you leave that employ and need to clear the air.
If you’ve been stapling barbed wire up in a lineman’s shack for the last couple of weeks, you might not be aware that the A&E network cancelled Longmire. We’re all still kind of reeling from the news that a network would cancel the highest-rated, scripted drama it’s ever had, a show that was consistently one of the top ten cable shows of any given week—one of the top 25 of the summer including the networks.
A lot of people have been asking me why?
The excuse that the network used was that ratings were down from the previous season from 4.2 to 3.9 million, but with adjusted DVR recordings, Longmire was still holding steady at close to 6 million… And that’s with A&E cutting us down to ten episodes and giving us a less than enviable lead-in–four-year-old reruns of Criminal Minds that were pulling -72%, no promotion or advertising, and a general ambivalence to the show as a whole.
The other excuse was that the show wasn’t pulling as much as they wanted in the 18-49 demographic. We more than hold our own in the 25-50 demographic—now, I’m no television executive (thank goodness), but I don’t know of any 18 year-olds out there who are buying Dodge trucks. I still remember being told that Longmire pretty much sold itself, “Oh, we’ve got advertisers lined up to such an extent that Dodge and Downy actually paid extra on the last two episodes of the season so that the show itself would be longer with fewer commercial interruptions.
So what gives?
A&E has made it clear that it wants to own and produce the shows it airs, and the one it doesn’t own, the highest-rated scripted drama they’ve ever had– Longmire—is not theirs. They’ve had success with Bates Motel (which, even with A&E’s blessings and full support, has yet to achieve the ratings Longmire has) and have had disasters like Those Who Kill (which was cancelled after only two weeks), but then they were trying to strong-arm Warner into selling them Longmire. Now, if I remember correctly, Warner Brothers were the ones who taught Humphrey Bogart and James Cagney how to be tough guys back in the thirties… Good luck with that, A&E. Maybe that next reality show, Tattooed Eskimo Swamp Hunters will turn out to be a winner.
At this point in time, the producers and Warner Horizon are pitching to other networks in hopes that one of them is smart enough to take on a proven winner like Longmire, and we’ll hopefully land in an environment that appreciates and supports the show.
People have been asking what they can do to help in finding Longmire a new home, and the best thing you can do is continue talking up the show in all the social media, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, blogs or the net-sphere. If you’re looking for a place to register your support, sign up for Twitter (it’s easy, even Walt could do it) if you aren’t already on there and join the blitz tonight (Monday) at 10 PM ET/9 C/8 MT/7 PT—the Longmire time slot—and keep tweeting and retweeting ‪#‎longlivelongmire‬.
From the response that A&E’s garnered from dropping Longmire, it looks as if it may be the biggest PR disaster for the network. People are actually contacting their cable and satellite providers and requesting that A&E be removed from their subscription packages.—they have had to hire on extra operators for the amount of complaints that have been registered.
In closing, I think those executives at A&E forgot to take one thing into consideration—we’re cowboys, we ride for the brand and we don’t walk away.
See you on the trail,

Fired Wal-Mart workers say they have right to self-defense.

In a January 2011 incident at a Wal-Mart in Layton, three employees confronted a man who had put a laptop computer down his pants and escorted him to a security office. There, the man showed them a gun and, the employees claim, pushed it into one of their backs.

The three grabbed the gun away and pinned him against a wall before police arrived. They were fired because Wal-Mart said they should have allowed the man leave the office and not wrestled with him.

via Fired Wal-Mart workers say they have right to self-defense | The Salt Lake Tribune.

I am gonna say out front that this was a BS decision by Wal-Mart. We are not talking about going after the guy and doing a whole take-down-Gecko-45 thing but the shoplifter was already detained and inside the security office.  The initial event was over and when the critter pulled out the gun, there was simply no time to go over the SOP handbook and check what was supposed to be done but react and avoid unnecessary blood spillage.

Wal-Mart assumes that the bad guy was simply going to walk away which is a possibility but not necessarily  the only outcome. Gambling using your life as collateral is idiotic but when it is a corporate order is criminal.

My take (and with the caveat that the info we have is accurate) is that the employees should be re-hired and that the loss prevention practices should be revised!  Maybe the error is enclosing a possible dangerous person in a room away from witnesses and back up.

But then again it is easier to fire  three associates than the idiotic upper managers that came with the idea.